

Here's another great fan-filmed clip from Newcastle!

The Fans Speak! Check out these great comments from the KISS Army on YouTube... the fans tell it like it is...And like it was!

Wyldecard62 - Wasn't just a gig, it was a complete experience. There are vids on here from their City Hall show on 29 Sept 88, I was at that show too, and they may be 22 years older but they are as tight musically as ever. Simply the best show for a looong time...

rich7579 - Was never a huge Kiss fan.......UNTIL LAST NIGHT! Best gig I've ever been to by any band. Absolutely outstanding.

jamieworldhero @ BlackDiamond351 - Ya, considering how well their perfoming now, they will last a long time.

PlasterCaster94 - I was there! Seen them twice before and it was definitely the best I've seen them! Seeing them again on the 5th in Birmingham. I lost my voice too! Hahaha

wayneschlaegal @mibon1984 - They were brilliant, I liked the joint drum/guitar solo with Tommy and Eric.

The Fans Speak! Check out these comments from the KISS Army on YouTube... the fans tell it like it is...And like it was!

Wyldecard62 - Wasn't just a gig, it was a complete experience. There are vids on here from their City Hall show on 29 Sept 88, I was at that show too, and they may be 22 years older but they are as tight musically as ever. Simply the best show for a looong time...

rich7579 - Was never a huge Kiss fan.......UNTIL LAST NIGHT! Best gig I've ever been to by any band. Absolutely outstanding.

jamieworldhero @BlackDiamond351 - Ya, considering how well their perfoming now, they will last a long time.

PlasterCaster94 - I was there! Seen them twice before and it was definitely the best I've seen them! Seeing them again on the 5th in Birmingham. I lost my voice too! Hahaha

wayneschlaegal @mibon1984 - They were brilliant, I liked the joint drum/guitar solo with Tommy and Eric.

kissdrumr - Kiss continues to rule 37 yrs & still kicking ass!!!!!!!!!

gafferphone - what a great evening.... will be with me forever an ever! I'm 13 which makes it even more speacial

BeccaBasilisk - I was there man! T'was the most amazing of night of my life without a shadow of a doubt!

spacedmadman - omg I was there and it was amazing!

dezzerr - I went to this :D i was stood right at the front against the barrier. it was incredible!

DICKENS81 - Great show loved the way they mixed wont get fooled again into the set we wont see the like in the steel city for some time to come

DanceNation1 - Good to see this again. It was an amazing show last night in Sheffield! Incredible.

deni222 - Was there last night, that was one hell of a show kiss rocked the arena!

nashk8o - People can say what they want about it NOT being Ace and Peter, but PLEASE!!! Thayer does a magnificent homage to Ace! Sonic Boom is the Album that SHOULD HAVE FOLLOWED Alive 2!! KISS STILL DELIVERS AFTER ALL THESE YEARS! Cheers to Thayer and Singer!

lilawesomerocker - That was amazing! I cant believe at the end when they walked off to the dressing rooms I managed to wave at Gene - he waved back :D best concert ever!

mrdjotter91 - went last night and it was the best thing i have ever seen

xNEONAMPHAROSx - absolutely amazing show best I've ever seen caught one of Stanley's pics :D

mockery28 - I was there - fantastic. Going to see them in London next week

ohsanjay - It was the best show I've seen so much going on I hope they come back to Newcastle

biggingergit - BEST gig in Newcastle for years!! AWESOME !!!

Vincent6556 - What a show they put on like. KISS ARMY FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lufcjohn88 - I was nearly toast last night, was a F**KING awesome night, can't wait till Glasgow

danzaman123 � Amazing performance and Gene is awesome.

elheadless - They were awesome, BEST CONCERT EVER! Still can't hear properly and it's Sunday night.
Ellis (Sheffield)

RCM3871 - He is singing it here more like the original version from 1979. Sounds very cool ! KISS are on fire at the moment !!!

jakemyers2 - I was at this they were brilliant!

metalmickey07 - Kiss NEVER disappoint, this time it looks like they EXCELLED themselves!Roll in Manchester on the 10th!


Thanks to the KISS Army UK for these great letters about yesterday's Sheffield show. Keep them coming! We love to hear what you think.

Photo by James Dean


My feet still haven't hit Terra Firma after seeing you play in Sheffield last night. I can't wait to see you again in Manchester on the 10th! I've been a fan for 20-odd years but for various reasons I've never gotten to see you - until last night. I KNEW it would be good, and a 'tick in the box' (finally got to see Kiss Live) but it was SO much more! I have NEVER seen anything like it. You guys could shame any band on the planet. Not just the amazing fireworks and stage-set, but the music!! You are true pro's who are at the top of your game - now more than ever, and I've been a fan for a long, LONG time. I just cannot describe how fantastic a live Kiss performance is, now I have (finally!) experienced it first hand. I could write all night, but I shouldn't, so I'll just say that I've witnessed the best show on earth, and will be lucky enough to see it again in a week's time. KISS absolutely rule, and there isn't anything that can compare or compete. This will NEVER happen again, and I'm honored to have been part of such an amazing experience. Thank you guys. You delivered more than I could ever have wished for. You are somehow better than ever, and you've always been better than anybody else. Thank you for providing the best live experience I have ever been part of.


Wow , I am 39 and I have just enjoyed my 1st ever Kiss concert , you guys really know how to rock. I had a feeling that last night was gonna be good - but I cannot find the words to say the feeling it left me with. I can honestly say that in 20 years of watching rock concerts at venues all over the UK that without a doubt that is the best one I have ever been to! I can only hope that you may release a live DVD of the Sheffield show. I will be first in line to buy that one !! Keep on rocking , many thanks to you guys for an incredible night .

All the best,
Simon Harrow

Thanks for a wonderful show last night!! What an entrance!! I'd not seen you live since 1992 and wondered how the years would have affected you but if anything you are tighter in concert than ever! Gene gets a lot of digs from some people but last night he showed yet again what a great performer he is, you all did - absolutely brilliant!

Thanks again!
Andy FieldGuys!

My feet still haven't hit Terra Firma after seeing you play in Sheffield last night. I can't wait to see you again in Manchester on the 10th! I've been a fan for 20-odd years but for various reasons I've never gotten to see you - until last night. I KNEW it would be good, and a 'tick in the box' (finally got to see Kiss Live) but it was SO much more! I have NEVER seen anything like it. You guys could shame any band on the planet. Not just the amazing fireworks and stage-set, but the music!! You are true pro's who are at the top of your game - now more than ever, and I've been a fan for a long, LONG time. I just cannot describe how fantastic a live Kiss performance is, now I have (finally!) experienced it first hand. I could write all night, but I shouldn't, so I'll just say that I've witnessed the best show on earth, and will be lucky enough to see it again in a week's time. KISS absolutely rule, and there isn't anything that can compare or compete. This will NEVER happen again, and I'm honored to have been part of such an amazing experience. Thank you guys. You delivered more than I could ever have wished for. You are somehow better than ever, and you've always been better than anybody else. Thank you for providing the best live experience I have ever been part of.


Wow , I am 39 and I have just enjoyed my 1st ever Kiss concert , you guys really know how to rock. I had a feeling that last night was gonna be good - but I cannot find the words to say the feeling it left me with. I can honestly say that in 20 years of watching rock concerts at venues all over the UK that without a doubt that is the best one I have ever been to! I can only hope that you may release a live DVD of the Sheffield show. I will be first in line to buy that one !! Keep on rocking , many thanks to you guys for an incredible night .

All the best,
Simon Harrow

Thanks for a wonderful show last night!! What an entrance!! I'd not seen you live since 1992 and wondered how the years would have affected you but if anything you are tighter in concert than ever! Gene gets a lot of digs from some people but last night he showed yet again what a great performer he is, you all did - absolutely brilliant!

Thanks again!
Andy Field

Hey Guys,

What a gigantic tour start yesterday in Sheffield! You showed them all, who are the lords of rock and roll. Hope to hear more songs of the 80's. Can't wait to rock with you again!

Hubert & Claudia

Thanks for a fantastic gig!!!! Absolutely AMAZING!



Thank you for one fantastic night at Sheffield!

Good luck and Best wishes,
James Dean


Again I went to see you at The Sheffield Arena last night and like I said in my first letter it was my first rock concert and what a concert it was I was right up against the barriers at the front and I had a good view, but because of my size I couldn't see much of the right side of the stage...but I could hear it. The entrance was stunning I could feel the warmth of the pyro on my face so I bet you were hot! The set list was amazing and some of the things Paul said made me laugh. At the end the encore was amazing..30 minutes!, Best songs ever and the confetti cannon was very cool. Gene threw a pick in the crowd right before Rock N' Roll All Night and I caught it, after seeing Gene playing with it and with Tommy's autograph on it I hope it will enhance my guitar playing skills. BEST CONCERT EVER!, KISS RULE!,



What an absolutely amazing concert!! You guys just destroyed us with a brilliant set and wonderful show. I will always judge future shows against last nights.

I also was lucky enough to get a Paul guitar pick. Very cool with the date and flag. A great memento of my first KISS show ever.

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