

By Trudi Knight

Last night was the final show of the UK leg of the 'Sonic Boom Over Europe' KISS tour, which continues across the continent throughout May and June. Pure Rawk went along to check it out.

After openers Taking Dawn had warmed up the crowd, a gigantic black curtain bearing a silver KISS logo was unfurled to hide the stage. It didn't, however, hide the six confetti cannons in the pit, giving us a hint of what was to come, and also confirming our earlier suspicion that the band had indeed brought arena-sized stage effects to their Islington Academy gig in March.

At around 9pm the video screens kicked into life, prompting a roar from the crowd. In the moments before the band appeared, I had a slightly surreal moment noticing KISS manager Doc McGhee standing a couple of feet away watching himself on the (almost) live video feed showing KISS heading for the stage.By Trudi Knight

Last night was the final show of the UK leg of the 'Sonic Boom Over Europe' KISS tour, which continues across the continent throughout May and June. Pure Rawk went along to check it out.

After openers Taking Dawn had warmed up the crowd, a gigantic black curtain bearing a silver KISS logo was unfurled to hide the stage. It didn't, however, hide the six confetti cannons in the pit, giving us a hint of what was to come, and also confirming our earlier suspicion that the band had indeed brought arena-sized stage effects to their Islington Academy gig in March.

At around 9pm the video screens kicked into life, prompting a roar from the crowd. In the moments before the band appeared, I had a slightly surreal moment noticing KISS manager Doc McGhee standing a couple of feet away watching himself on the (almost) live video feed showing KISS heading for the stage.

A KISS show is always as much about the theatrics as the music, and 'subtle' and 'understated' are just not in their vocabulary. The tone for the night was set in spectacular fashion when the curtain dropped and the band exploded into view with Gene, Paul and Tommy appearing on a platform at the back of the stage, and rising over Eric's drumkit before descending into the thick fog of pink and red smoke that had temporarily engulfed the stage (along with the photo pit and everyone in it).

"Modern Day Delilah" and "Cold Gin" set the pace, with the band delivering KISS classic after KISS classic to the eager crowd, flanked by a variety of great stage effects, and the gigantic video backdrop following their every move.

"Crazy Crazy Nights" was a massive crowd singalong, reportedly added to the set largely due to huge demand for it in the UK (where it was a Top 10 hit in 1987).

Tommy Thayer took on the vocals for "Shock Me", with a (literally) explosive guitar solo, followed by Eric Singer's drum solo and a firework battle between guitarist and drummer carried out high above the arena stage, assisted by a hydraulic platform and levitating drumkit.

Gene's fire-breathing and blood-spitting was, as always, a great crowd-pleaser; the bass player was then flown on wires to the top of the lighting rig and performed "I Love It Loud" from the top of the arena bathed in red and green light, before returning to the stage for "Love Gun", "Black Diamond" and main set closer "Detroit Rock City".

After a short break, the band returned to the stage to do "the longest encore you've ever seen" and launched into classic 80s track "Lick It Up" followed by "Shout It Out Loud". Paul Stanley teased the crowd and had everyone shouting his name before flying directly over our heads to rapturous cheers and delivering "I Was Made For Lovin' You" from a platform by the mixing desk, before returning to the stage.

Wembley became a church of rock for "God Gave Rock And Roll To You II" and final anthem "Rock and Roll all Nite" was a frenzy of confetti, smoke, hydraulic platforms and pyrotechnics, ending the party with a bang.

This was a fantastic show - if you go to see KISS you are guaranteed a night of pure entertainment - they are true showmen and loads of fun, and reward the loyalty of their fans with one of the most impressive stage shows you are ever likely to see.


When I first saw KISS 2 years ago at Download 2008 it seemed like a total one-off. A singular date, no plans to record any new material and a set relying on the seminal Alive album. It was a hell of a show but I was left with the feeling that was the one and only time I would see the 'Hottest Band In The World' in a live environment.

Fast forward 2 years and not only have KISS just completed the UK leg of their new European tour they are doing it on the back of a new (and acclaimed by both fans and critics) album in 'Sonic Boom'.

When KISS first announced the tour though myself and friend Andrew sort of just left it. We had heard the album and knew how brilliant it was and obviously we knew what an amazing live act KISS were but we just sort of left it. Until about 2 months ago when we realized how annoyed and miserable we would feel if we were sat at work or at home knowing KISS were playing live in our country!

So off we headed to the sold out Wembley Arena on the last night of the UK leg of the (deep breath) 'Sonic Boom Over Europe: From The Beginning To The Boom Tour'.

When I first saw KISS 2 years ago at Download 2008 it seemed like a total one-off. A singular date, no plans to record any new material and a set relying on the seminal Alive album. It was a hell of a show but I was left with the feeling that was the one and only time I would see the 'Hottest Band In The World' in a live environment.

Fast forward 2 years and not only have KISS just completed the UK leg of their new European tour they are doing it on the back of a new (and acclaimed by both fans and critics) album in 'Sonic Boom'.

When KISS first announced the tour though myself and friend Andrew sort of just left it. We had heard the album and knew how brilliant it was and obviously we knew what an amazing live act KISS were but we just sort of left it. Until about 2 months ago when we realized how annoyed and miserable we would feel if we were sat at work or at home knowing KISS were playing live in our country!

So off we headed to the sold out Wembley Arena on the last night of the UK leg of the (deep breath) 'Sonic Boom Over Europe: From The Beginning To The Boom Tour'.

After getting there we were pleasantly suprised to find the merchandise stand outside the arena, which would save valuable time in getting a good spot at the front. After getting our shirts we waited just under 2 hours outside and were let in about quarter past six.

But before we could see KISS there was the small matter of the support band Taking Dawn. While this were OK, their music was quite average and generic and you could plainly see the only reason they got this slot was due to the influence of their record company the ever powerful Roadrunner Records. Not even the singer jumping off the stage into the crowd at the end of their set (which closed with a painful cover of Fleetwood Mac's 'The Chain') could keep the interest up.

A few minutes after they had vacated the stage the huge KISS curtain dropped and we had the agonizing wait for the band to hit the stage...then the lights went down and this happened...

Launching into the first track from 'Sonic Boom' Modern Day Delilah was a fantastic opener that sent the crowd into a frenzy with the entrance over Eric Singer's drumkit.

Proving it was from 'The Beginning' they continued with a song from the self titled first album - Cold Gin and followed that with other early gems Let Me Go, Rock N' Roll and Firehouse.

It was back to the Boom for the album closer Say Yeah which was then followed by another cut from the debut album with the brilliant Deuce.

Then it was suprise time. A song that the band aren't massive fans of (and this was proved by Gene Simmon's rather bored backing vocals) but it is KISS' biggest selling single in this country. Of course I mean Crazy, Crazy Nights. A song also that hasn't been played on any tour since the Hot In The Shade Tour of the late 80s or possibly the Revenge tour of the early 90s. It went down a storm.

After another 70's era highlight in Calling Dr. Love it was Tommy Thayer providing vocals for Shock Me which led into Tommy's guitar solo and Eric Singer's drum solo. Which included both of them being levitated on platforms and shooting rocket launchers. Brilliant.

The final new song of the evening was I'm An Animal and then it was Paul Stanley's brilliant vocal display in the "song we always play...because it's good!" 100,000 Years.

Instead of going up to the rafters for 'God Of Thunder' Gene Simmons now goes up to I Love It Loud after his blood spitting bass solo. Our position was such that we would have got cramp if we looked up at him for too long. It's a great song though from the often forgotten 'Creatures Of The Night' album.

The hits kept rolling with Love Gun, Black Diamond (which included a segment of Whole Lotta Love by Led Zeppelin) and the main set closed with the ubiquitous Detroit Rock City.

After a brief break KISS returned promising "the longest encore you've ever seen". It wasn't but it was the most brilliant!

Kicking off with the title track from 1983's Lick It Up they carried on the one of rock musics ultimate party tracks Shout It Out Loud before Paul Stanley got on the zip line to the back of the arena for the always fantastic I Was Made For Lovin' You.

Another big suprise was the inclusion of God Gave Rock And Roll To You a song not heard on these shores since the early 90s! I remember this song when it first came out (Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey!) and it was just mind blowing to hear it live. I may have welled a bit.

What else could KISS finish with but Rock And Roll All Nite? And that they did, blasting the arena with confetti cannons...I swear I must have ingested a couple of pounds of the stuff.

It was a hell of a show, and surpassed the Download 2008 performance by a mile! Paul did promise they would return and I hope they do. He is 58 now (you wouldn't know it from the nights performance) so they can't leave it THAT long!

Although to be honest I never thought I'd see KISS once let alone twice, and the second time sop close so I can always live with that.

That setlist in full...

Modern Day Delilah
Cold Gin
Let Me Go, Rock N' Roll
Say Yeah
Crazy, Crazy Nights
Calling Dr. Love
Shock Me (with Tommy and Eric solo's)
I'm An Animal
100,000 Years
I Love It Loud (With Gene's solo)
Love Gun
Black Diamond
Detroit Rock City
Lick It Up
Shout It Out Loud
I Was Made For Lovin' You
God Gave Rock N' Roll To You
Rock And Roll All Nite


The Fans Speak! Check out these great comments from the KISS Army... the fans tell it like it is...And like it was!

Photos and letter by the UK KISS ARMY!

Subject: Wembley,London. 12 5 2010
From: Jim Stringer on 05/13/2010

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!! They have not invented a word to describe the show I saw last night {wed 12th may 2010} Amazing,Awesome, Fantastic. These words just do not come close. I swear you get better as the years rock and roll by, or is that over. Not only do you give us lucky fans an outstanding show, you also give us respect and recognition for turning up. That is a rare occurrence with music artists today. Ive seen singers walk off stage in a mood over nothing. They will fall, whereas KISS will live forever. I definitely LOVE IT LOUD. Congrats to you all. Keep rockin... JIMBO..

Subject: THANK YOU! For one of the best concerts ever;o)
From: Sheila on 05/13/2010

Thank you for the absolutely phenomenal concert you did in Glasgow. It was the first time I had ever seen KISS and it won't be the last!! Also please check out some of my pics taken from the gig x there are some really KISS-tastic ones in there ;o)

Subject: KISS in the UK
From: Ray Morrissey on 05/13/2010

KISS live now are better and bigger than ever. Being a 50 year old i was lucky enough to have seen both KISS shows at Hammy Odeon in 1976 and have seen them at least once on every UK tour since and a few in Europe and USA.I got along to seven of the nine Sonic Boom UK shows and every one was just fantastic.Thank you KISS for playing so many indoor UK shows on this tour.
The Fans Speak! Check out these great comments from the KISS Army... the fans tell it like it is...And like it was!

Subject: Wembley,London. 12 5 2010
From: Jim Stringer on 05/13/2010

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!! They have not invented a word to describe the show I saw last night {wed 12th may 2010} Amazing,Awesome, Fantastic. These words just do not come close. I swear you get better as the years rock and roll by, or is that over. Not only do you give us lucky fans an outstanding show, you also give us respect and recognition for turning up. That is a rare occurrence with music artists today. Ive seen singers walk off stage in a mood over nothing. They will fall, whereas KISS will live forever. I definitely LOVE IT LOUD. Congrats to you all. Keep rockin... JIMBO..

Subject: THANK YOU! For one of the best concerts ever;o)
From: Sheila on 05/13/2010

Thank you for the absolutely phenomenal concert you did in Glasgow. It was the first time I had ever seen KISS and it won't be the last!! Also please check out some of my pics taken from the gig x there are some really KISS-tastic ones in there ;o)

Subject: KISS in the UK
From: Ray Morrissey on 05/13/2010

KISS live now are better and bigger than ever. Being a 50 year old i was lucky enough to have seen both KISS shows at Hammy Odeon in 1976 and have seen them at least once on every UK tour since and a few in Europe and USA.I got along to seven of the nine Sonic Boom UK shows and every one was just fantastic.Thank you KISS for playing so many indoor UK shows on this tour.

Subject: Kiss Sonic Boom UK Tour
From: Richard Booth on 05/12/2010

Just wanted to say a big thank you to the band for the best tour yet!! Manchester show was fantastic, great crowd and amazing atmosphere! The band have been tighter on stage than ever! A big thank you to Gene for taking the time to speak with me back at the hotel and signing my CDs! You're the man! See you all back in the UK again very soon I hope! Richard. (33 years a Kiss fan and counting!)

Subject: I bow down to ya!
From: GazTech on 05/12/2010

Dear Paul, Gene, Tommy and Eric I attended the Manchester gig that I had been eagerly anticipating for months and months, and I can easily say it was MORE than worth the wait and every penny. I would happily experience that... or should I say "party every day"! I will be looking out for another British gig in the future, and I assure you I will be there if you decide to do one, I honestly think you put all these young bands to shame with your energy and showmanship. I hope you read this message and realise how legendary you guys are and always will be! I'm 22 years old and forget all this modern tack, you guys will always be on my playlist. To finish off... four words... 'the best concert ever' Well done and thankyou for one of the best nights of my life! p.s I would really appreciate a response, although I fully understand you are all very busy. Thanks again and all the best for future endeavors, Gary

Subject: Manchester 05/10/10
From: Brian on 05/12/2010

hi guy's, just had to let you know what I thought of the show on Monday. all I can say is awesome the best kiss concert I have ever been to and probably the best concert I have ever been to full stop you guy's rocked like never before. can't wait until next time,just don't make it to long before you come over here again.

Subject: Manchester M.E.N
From: Chris on 05/12/2010

Guys you were awesome in Manchester! The numb ass was worth every minute! My first time and I really hope not my last! Not only were you awesome but the crowd was too! No Pushing what so ever, so much respect which helped everyone take in the stunning show! I never thought I would get to see you guys I am now chuffed that I have. So close to getting a plectrum too! My uncle is a massive fan and has seen you you a few times and said that was the best you have been! He wrote a review too for my site, but words do not do that show justice, it blew me away!! http://newbeatsmedia.com/2010/05/12/manchester-loves-you-kiss/ Keep rocking you GODS of ROCK

Subject: Euro Tour
From: Dean on 05/12/2010

I must say i saw your concerts in birmingham, manchester and ready to see you again in london on the 13th May. My Daughter has waited for many years for you to tour and it was well worth waiting for. You still rock after all these years and i loved every minute of the shows it brought back some good memories... thanks

Subject: Kiss in Manchester
From: Ryan Gallimore on 05/12/2010

I went to my first Rock Concert on Monday night. A Kiss concert. All I can say is that Kiss truly are The Hottest Band In The World. The show was amazing and too good to put into words. I don't think I will ever see another one that can match it (unless I see another Kiss show which I hoppe to do). So I would just like to say thank you to Kiss for an incredible night that I will never forget.

Subject: woow !
From: megan keir on 05/12/2010

The Glasgow gig was amazing :) come back soon xxxxxxxxx

Subject: KISS, Manchester, UK
From: Starchild20 on 05/12/2010

Hi guys, I just wanted to send a quick letter to say a huge than you for an awesome night again at Manchester. I saw you at Sheffield and Birmingham also. You just keep getting better! I am sad that I won't see you on any more dates for this tour but hope to see you in the UK again - perhaps to support a new album?! I will definitely be doing the meet and greet next time. I have wanted to meet Paul in particular for so long and I dream of the day that I do so and can have one amazing photo with him. I have to say that Paul Stanley you are amazing, you have to be the best front man I have ever seen on stage - you were born to be up there clearly - I love you! ;-) I am planning on getting my first tattoo in the Summer - there will only be one tattoo, a KISS one. I wish you success for the rest of the tour - I know the rest of the KISS Army can't wait to see you. Love you all forever. Jo Sutcliffe xxxxxxxxx

Subject: Thank You KISS
From: KissGirl4Life on 05/11/2010

Hi Guys! I just have to say thank you so much for coming to manchester and putting on such a wonderful show seeing you last night was like my induction into the KISS Army Family its made me feel more like one of you. I thank you so much for being amazing and the best band in the world i hope you do another tour and come to manchester. Paul, Gene, Eric and Tommy i love you all i think you are truly amazing in every single way! Love Laura Bradley x x x x x <3

Subject: KISS in Manchester 10th May 2010
From: Jonathan Lister on 05/11/2010

Awesome concert last night - well worth the wait from Download 2008. Took my daughter as well as my son this time (he saw you at Download) and she deafened him with her screaming!!! She was completely awestruck at the whole performance and says it's the best concert she's been to. Good luck with the rest of the tour and hope to see you all again soon. Jon Lister.

Subject: KISS in Glasgow
From: Eddie McKenna on 05/13/2010

Just a short note to say thanks for one of the best nights I've had in a long time. I was at the Glasgow gig with my twelve year old son and we had an absolute blast. My kid has Asbergers Syndrome and has a lot to contend with (including a brother with full Autisim). He totally let himself go at the gig and rocked out with his old Dad. We sang our hearts out and days later we still are. Thanks for a great night, a father son bonding experience and please come back sometime down the line.
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