

By Dalson Chen, The Windsor Star

Photograph by: PAULA TROTTER, The Windsor Star

Tommy Thayer, lead guitarist of legendary arena rockers Kiss, has a thing or two to say about the state of modern journalism.

"We don't really have that much responsible media. It's all just kind of entertainment-based," says Thayer in a telephone interview from Los Angeles.

"I don't think it helps our culture, our society, our country.

"It's disappointing.

"I'm in the entertainment business, but I think it goes way too far. I'd like to see more journalism give people the straight scoop, because I think a lot of people need the information and they're not getting it."

The normally affable musician catches himself.

"This is getting serious," he says, laughing.

Rock fans needn't worry about Kiss being so serious when the famously over-the-top band plays The Colosseum at Caesars Windsor on Wednesday night.By Dalson Chen, The Windsor Star

Photograph by: PAULA TROTTER, The Windsor Star

Tommy Thayer, lead guitarist of legendary arena rockers Kiss, has a thing or two to say about the state of modern journalism.

"We don't really have that much responsible media. It's all just kind of entertainment-based," says Thayer in a telephone interview from Los Angeles.

"I don't think it helps our culture, our society, our country.

"It's disappointing.

"I'm in the entertainment business, but I think it goes way too far. I'd like to see more journalism give people the straight scoop, because I think a lot of people need the information and they're not getting it."

The normally affable musician catches himself.

"This is getting serious," he says, laughing.

Rock fans needn't worry about Kiss being so serious when the famously over-the-top band plays The Colosseum at Caesars Windsor on Wednesday night.

The 21st show of the band's 2011 North American schedule promises to be as much of a pyrotechnics-laden spectacle as all the other crowd-pleasing performances over the past 38 years of Kiss history.

Thayer's thoughts on media arise from interview questions about bandmate Gene Simmons's marital troubles - lately well-publicized by the Gene Simmons Family Jewels reality television show.

"That's business as usual for Gene," says Thayer, who has known Simmons for more than 25 years. "He's just a freakazoid.... And I mean that in the most endearing way."

Juicy updates on Simmons's personal life may be providing plenty of junk food for consumers of celebrity gossip, but Thayer refers to such talk as "the periphery" of the Kiss world.

"That's just my take. This is not a criticism. I think that it's more important to focus on the band. Kiss is really the core of what we do."

Thayer didn't assume the role of Kiss lead guitarist until 2002, replacing Ace Frehley, but he's been a part of the team since the 1980s. He humbly began his Kiss career as the band's personal assistant.

In contrast to Simmons, Thayer prefers a more mundane approach to domestic life. He says the work of touring, recording and media duties makes him appreciate time at home and off the big stage.

"For most people, travelling somewhere is amazing," Thayer explains. "For our lifestyle, our vacation is going home.... Being home is a special thing."

When he's not doing something Kiss-related, Thayer's interests aren't particularly gossip-worthy.

Regular visits to the gym keep him in rock 'n' roll shape. Thayer says he focuses on cardiovascular improvement, with the elliptical machine being his favoured method.

"I think it's important before you go on tour to condition yourself," says Thayer, who turns 51 this year. "You want to build up the stamina. A lot of people don't realize how physical it is on stage. We're sweating our asses off."

He's also an avid golfer, and tries to get on the links every week.

He figures he's a "solid mid-80s shooter" and his handicap is about a 10 or 11.

"Alice Cooper is better than me," Thayer says. "He plays like almost every day."

Probably the only shocking thing Thayer is inclined to reveal is that he has an appreciation for the music of pop queen Katy Perry. "Firework, to me, is a great dance song. It kicks ass," he says without irony.

Asked if there's any music he'd feel embarrassed about Kiss fans knowing he likes, Thayer answers in his usual amiable fashion. "Nah! Honestly, I don't find myself embarrassed to talk about anything, really."

It's only on the topic of rock critics that Thayer rises to the bait. Despite worldwide record sales in excess of 100 million and a discography of 19 studio albums (soon to be 20 with a new album in the works for the beginning of next year), Kiss still tends to be disdained by rock's critical establishment.

To this day, the band has never graced the cover of Rolling Stone magazine in North America, and have yet to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (although they were officially nominated in 2009).

"I don't think it really matters. What is Rolling Stone?" Thayer says. "Are they the high-water mark, the hierarchy of all hierarchies in the music industry? Nobody cares."

As for the criticisms of Kiss being too theatrical, too commerce-driven - Thayer points to the upcoming Kiss Kruise. From Oct. 13 to 17, the band will be aboard a cruise ship travelling from Miami to the Bahamas, and fans can buy themselves a cabin. "The Kiss Army is going to be the Kiss Navy," Thayer says. "Oh yeah."


KISS Drummer Eric Singer Featured In Exclusive BW&BK Interview

BW&BK scribe Mitch Lafon recently caught up with KISS drummer Eric Singer, discussing a variety of subjects in anticipation of the band's July 24th appearance at Heavy MTL.

Singer: "KISS has always been somewhat of a unifying and polarizing band. Just like buying a car buying a car or eating at a restaurant � you go by participation. If I don�t like something I don�t buy it. I don�t support it. You vote with your wallet, but KISS is about the show and about having a good time. Being in KISS is a lot of hard work. It�s not easy like everybody thinks. I�ve been in a lot of bands and nothing takes the amount of energy, effort and work as it does to play in KISS. I�ve seen Paul almost yawning before he goes on stage, but when the lights go down � BAM. He�s running around, jumping�What�s important is when you are on that stage. That�s when you have to give 100%..�

-- On the KISS audience: "We�ve seen how the audience has changed over the past few years. It�s now more of an all-ages show. I liken KISS to Disneyworld or Universal Studios � it�s one of these spectacle things that you�ve got to go see."

-- On Heavy MTL: "We love Montreal. It�s a beautiful city. I�m glad that we�re going back there to play the Heavy MTL festival. And we have a day off there, which is very cool."KISS Drummer Eric Singer Featured In Exclusive BW&BK Interview

BW&BK scribe Mitch Lafon recently caught up with KISS drummer Eric Singer, discussing a variety of subjects in anticipation of the band's July 24th appearance at Heavy MTL.

Singer: "KISS has always been somewhat of a unifying and polarizing band. Just like buying a car buying a car or eating at a restaurant � you go by participation. If I don�t like something I don�t buy it. I don�t support it. You vote with your wallet, but KISS is about the show and about having a good time. Being in KISS is a lot of hard work. It�s not easy like everybody thinks. I�ve been in a lot of bands and nothing takes the amount of energy, effort and work as it does to play in KISS. I�ve seen Paul almost yawning before he goes on stage, but when the lights go down � BAM. He�s running around, jumping�What�s important is when you are on that stage. That�s when you have to give 100%..�

-- On the KISS audience: "We�ve seen how the audience has changed over the past few years. It�s now more of an all-ages show. I liken KISS to Disneyworld or Universal Studios � it�s one of these spectacle things that you�ve got to go see."

-- On Heavy MTL: "We love Montreal. It�s a beautiful city. I�m glad that we�re going back there to play the Heavy MTL festival. And we have a day off there, which is very cool."

-- On the new album: "We�ve done eight songs so far. Doing this summer run keeps it fresh, but mainly it gets you playing at a more intense level and that helps you bring that intensity back into the studio. Right now, the album doesn�t have a title because we�re not done, but this isn�t The Elder where we have a theme for the whole record. It�s a straight-ahead rock KISS record and I think this stuff so far is stronger better material (than Sonic Boom). It�s more riff-y which makes it more interesting."

"This album will have more production (than Sonic Boom), so in that sense it might be leaning more towards a Destroyer type approach. I�ve asked to have my drums put in a bigger room because I want to get a big sound� a more bombastic drum sound. We�ve taken more time to get better sounds on this recording."

-- On doing a vocal on the new album: "There�s been talk about it, but until we do it� The plan is to have me sing a song and to have Tommy do one, but we�ve never asked to sing a song. Paul is the producer and that was his choice and decision. It was him encouraging me to sing. He knows that I�m actually shy when it comes to that. I�m not a shy person for the most part, but I am when it comes to singing."

"A lot of people say, �I can play circles around that guy,� but I realized a long time ago that you can�t let it be about you. You have to be smart enough to know your place in the band. You have to play for the song, play for the music and keep your own personal shit out of it. You have to have that attitude if you�re going to work for people. I�ve got to do the job that I�m hired to do."

Remaining dates on KISS' North American summer tour are as follows:

24 - Heavy MTL Festival - Montreal, QC
26 - Casino Rama - Orillia, ON
27 - Colosseum at Caesars Windsor - Windsor, ON
28 - Turning Stone - Verona, NY



KISS headline the two-day Heavy MTL Festival at Parc Jean Drapeau, July 23-24.

KISS play the main stage on July 24 at 9 p.m.


Posted by: Richard Burnett

Rock�n�roll has always been about haircuts and shoes. And with KISS, throw in a little kabuki make-up and pyrotechnics, and you�ve got a genuine rock�n�roll circus.

The last time KISS headlined in Montreal, Gene Simmons told me, �There hasn�t been an important rock band to emerge in the last 25 years that will still mean something in 100 years. But from the end of the 1950s to 1980, there was Elvis, The Beatles, The Stones, Led Zep, ABBA � say what you will but they wrote great songs � KISS, there�s a hundred bands from that period. All the music from Elvis to KISS was born before MTV, cellphones and the Internet. KISS still trains hard and every emo band at 19 can shine our boot heels! They�re gonna get a lesson [from us]: You blow the god�- place up!�

There are few folks in show biz who give good quote like Gene. Say what you will about him, but the man is never boring. The critics may still hate Kiss, but the kids � even the 45-year-old ones � are still proud card-carrying members of the KISS Army. Says Gene about unrepentant rock critics, �You know, I discovered a band [over 30 years ago] called Van Halen, I signed them [to my record label] and produced their demo. Critics hated them. When singer David Lee Roth was asked why the critics hated Van Halen and loved Elvis Costello, Roth said, �Because they look like Costello.� It�s still true.�KISS headline the two-day Heavy MTL Festival at Parc Jean Drapeau, July 23-24.

KISS play the main stage on July 24 at 9 p.m.


Posted by: Richard Burnett

Rock�n�roll has always been about haircuts and shoes. And with KISS, throw in a little kabuki make-up and pyrotechnics, and you�ve got a genuine rock�n�roll circus.

The last time KISS headlined in Montreal, Gene Simmons told me, �There hasn�t been an important rock band to emerge in the last 25 years that will still mean something in 100 years. But from the end of the 1950s to 1980, there was Elvis, The Beatles, The Stones, Led Zep, ABBA � say what you will but they wrote great songs � KISS, there�s a hundred bands from that period. All the music from Elvis to KISS was born before MTV, cellphones and the Internet. KISS still trains hard and every emo band at 19 can shine our boot heels! They�re gonna get a lesson [from us]: You blow the god�- place up!�

There are few folks in show biz who give good quote like Gene. Say what you will about him, but the man is never boring. The critics may still hate Kiss, but the kids � even the 45-year-old ones � are still proud card-carrying members of the KISS Army. Says Gene about unrepentant rock critics, �You know, I discovered a band [over 30 years ago] called Van Halen, I signed them [to my record label] and produced their demo. Critics hated them. When singer David Lee Roth was asked why the critics hated Van Halen and loved Elvis Costello, Roth said, �Because they look like Costello.� It�s still true.�

When KISS were the new kids on the block � they formed in NYC in January 1973 � they decided to out-do vaudevillain Alice Cooper, who told me himself many years ago, �We told Kiss where to buy their makeup. We were friends with those guys. We knew they were comic book characters and Alice was the Phantom of the Opera.�

Nearly four decades later, KISS still hasn�t been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. That probably bothers Simmons. But if it does, he�s not saying. After all, it�s still true that rock�n�roll is still just about haircuts and shoes.

And as anybody who has seen Simmons star in his slick reality TV show Gene Simmons Family Jewels, there is more to the man than the KISS machine and assembly line: Simmons is also a loving father. He�d do anything for his family. In fact, when I asked him about Chaz Bono, the trangendered son of his ex-girlfriend Cher who spent many difficult years transitioning from a woman to a man, Simmons replied without missing a beat, �I love Chaz. I was living with Cher when Chaz and [his brother] Elijah were kids and I was a substitute dad for a while. Life is short and we should all make up and be happy. And everybody else be damned if Chaz isn�t happy today, God bless. If Chaz is happy, then [he] will have found the secret of life.�
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