submit your kiss letter

My KISS baby!!!

Hi KISS family, I am Guilherme Mendes from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I am a KISS fan since 1983 during the 10th anniversary tour and the legendary Maracana concert. My boy Bernardo was born on last January 20th. Guess what? The starchild Paul Stanley´s birthday. Dad and Mom bought a great outfit for the newest KISS army member. I´m looking forward to seeing you guys in the South America leg of the Monster Tour! Many greetings from Brazil KISS forever!
Posted on 02/16/2012


Hey KISS! You're awesome! I listen to you everyday. I even played one of your songs on Guitar Hero 5! And passed it. I am like the biggest fan of you all. Wish I could so see you in concert but don't really have the time due to school and such. Plus I am still a newly wed. Been married for 8 1/2 months now. It's going great though. Hope to hear from you guys soon! Love you all!
Posted on 02/16/2012

KISS Mardi Gras Float

Hey KISS!! This is a photo of a float from a Mardi Gras Parade here in New Orleans last weekend. I remember when KISS rode into the Superdome on a Mardi Gras float in '83 on the Creatures of the Night Tour!! First concert I'd ever been to! Awesome! Keep Rockin! Al New Orleans, LA
Posted on 02/15/2012

Simmons Rock on Rock in Rio TV

That's me on the TV of "Rock in Rio". I could not fail to honor the "Simmons Kiss Rock"! We await you at the next Rock in Rio! Leo Simmons, Rio de Janeiro Brazil !
Posted on 02/15/2012

KISS Pandas

Look at this cool video... I'm sleeping with my KISSjama and my KISS Pandas! KISS Rules!
Posted on 02/15/2012

Greetings From Sweden

Greetings from Sweden, and some new face, meet Ace nd Eric It´s a beginning of what´s becomming a Sleeve with my favorite guys, such as Blackie Lawless, Freddie Mercury, Ingo Switchenberg, and let¨s not forget Eric Singer.
Posted on 02/15/2012

KISS Rules Cape Coral, Florida

I spotted this truck stationed at the Cape Coral, Florida "Welcome Center" as I was driving home from work. Gene was right: "It's a KISS world, we just live in it".
Posted on 02/15/2012

KISS is everywhere

Hi, My name is David Young, I am one of the guitarists from the Queen musical "We Will Rock You" in London's West End. I am also a member of the Kiss Army! I saw this in a clothing store in Cambridge here in the U.K. Kiss is indeed everywhere! Kind Regards David
Posted on 02/15/2012

CNN Presents KISS Inc.

For those fans who missed KISS Inc. on CNN, here it is on Youtube, with extra footage not aired on television.
Posted on 02/14/2012

KISS Army Antarctica

If it has not already been done, Marsha and I would like to claim Antarctica in the name of the KISS Army and Navy! Rocking at the bottom of the world! KISS, now on the 7th continent, now truly encompasses the world.
Posted on 02/14/2012
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