submit your kiss letter


I have been a KISS fan since i was 8 and im 13 years old and i still luv you guys my dream is to meet u guys one day. So thank you for reading this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on 03/08/2012


My name is Paulo Vinicius de Camargo, I'm from Brazil. I just want to send my KISS Tattoo! I love KISS, my father loves KISS, our family is KISS !!! My facebook profile: My tattoo artist facebook profile: Thanks and Long Live to KISS!
Posted on 03/08/2012


Here is a ticket from your concert in Dublin Ireland in the Sonic Boom Over Europe Tour 2009! I stood in line 6 hours just so I could get the 1st row and so i could see KISS up close in the flesh! You gave an amazing show from start to finish. I'm only 17 years old but you guys have been my hero's for a long time. It was your first time back in Ireland in 22 years! Don't let us wait another 22 ;). Your very welcome back. Don't be strangers :D Brian
Posted on 03/07/2012


Hello My fellow KISS fans from around the world!!!! Let me tell you the first KISSKRUISE was the adventure of a lifetime!!! I met the coolest people and made some great friends!!! And of course rocking out with KISS on the high seas was amazing!!!! Can't wait to do it again on the Pearl!!!! If you're going on the next cruise then join my facebook group the KISSKRUISE MANIACS!!! We started last May and we are over 300 members!!!! We talk about all things KISS and we are getting ready for KISSKRUISE 2!!! So come enter the ASYLUM!!!!!!!!! ALL KISS FANS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD ARE INVITED!!!!!! SEE YOU IN MIAMI!!!!! ANTMAN
Posted on 03/07/2012

KISS at the Marathon

I was one of the runners in the annual Rock 'n' Roll New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon on March the 3rd. I was running along when I heard KISS music being played (other than on my iPod). There were a group of girls from a local high school (I'm guessing) who were painted in KISS make-up and singing KISS music. I had to stop my run for a moment to have my picture taken with these young women of obviously great musical taste.
Posted on 03/07/2012


Gene, Here is a picture that was taken in Ottawa the day before you played the Ottawa Cisco Bluesfest on July 15, 2009. I still think about that day every single day. Say hi to Shannon from "The tattoo guy". That's how she refferred to me as when I saw her at the concert the next evening. Forever a fan, Chuck
Posted on 03/07/2012
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