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1980 Grade 5 school KISS concert

Hi guys, Errol Steinback from Brisbane , Australia. This is me 10 yrs old as Gene in 1980 for our grade 5 school concert. We mimed 2 songs I was made for loving you and Sure know something. - Errol Steinback
Posted on 11/11/2021

Halloween 1978

My friend turned me on to my first KISS album; Destroyer. Blown away, I was nine. - Daniel T. Andrella
Posted on 11/11/2021

Halloween 1978

In the photo, the only one I could find, I'm 16 here, having been a fan since 1974. Prepping for a Halloween Party with friends - pre costume and wig. I had the pleasure of meeting the band the next year, November of '79 in Seattle, during the Dynasty Tour. Interviewed Gene backstage in a hilarious 5-minute interview. Using a cassette boombox. He was extremely kind and generous with his time. I had weaseled my way into a local radio station KJR, the day before, to watch an interview with the band with the DJ Sky Walker. Made a plea to their road manager - I think his name was Rick Alberti? That I was in high school and trying to get a job at a radio station - and could he get me an interview with one of the band members. He told me to show up at the venue the next day, around 3 pm and he'd see what he could do. I did and when they arrived in limos, he remembered me and invited me backstage. There I stayed until KISS took the stage. Awesome day. Recorded the soundcheck and concert on that boom box (and no, I never gave it to anyone - just for my own listening pleasure) Paul was unimpressed when I told him we shared a birthday just 10 years apart - but he was busy with a couple of lovely young ladies. Ace was cackling and staggering and guzzling wine or something. Peter seemed ill - like with a cold - but aloof - and Gene was unbelievably warm. One of the most memorable days I've enjoyed. By the way, I didn't parlay the interview into a radio job - but I did manage to break into the biz where I've been since 1981. - BRIAN L STEPHENSON
Posted on 11/11/2021

1981 Joey rocking out as ACE

Hello KISS !! been a fan all my life. started playing guitar at 9 years old and this shot was taken at our first real gig in my garage. we went around the neighborhood and sold tickets for 50 cents lol. had a full driveway full of people and played all KISS songs. my Dad made the boots for me. brings back great memories!! - Joey Venden
Posted on 11/11/2021

Halloween 1979

Hi, I'm in the middle with my friend Noble Barlow as Ace and John Barnett as Gene. It was taken Halloween 1979 - Keith Combs
Posted on 11/11/2021

1977 San Francisco Cow Palace Show

5 of us waited in line all day to attend the August 16, 1977 show in San Francisco. One of my buddies created the large poster. Great show! And someone stole the poster after the concert, which we thought was a compliment. This was the same day Elvis died and I still remember to this day Paul dedicating Rock and Roll All Night to his memory. Not sure who took the photo. -Joe Lorenz
Posted on 11/11/2021

KISS January 8,1978 Richfield Coliseum 3rd row

Here is a photo of KISS, my bother took, It was my first concert and I was 11 years old. There was a blizzard here in Cleveland and the show started very late, I believe the band spent the night at the venue. I also got a pick from Gene. - James Klinger
Posted on 11/11/2021

Halloween 1983

Halloween 1983, last year of hight school, I'm 17 years old, I saw KISS at the Montreal Forum twice, my room is full of KISS posters an albums, I'm crazy about them and still love them at 55 years old and went to see them in their last show in Montreal - France Meilleur
Posted on 11/11/2021

In my room around 1980.

This was taken in my room around 1980. I would have been 8 years old. I had been to the Mid South Fair, and they had someone painting faces so I begged my parents to let them paint Ace on me. I think I wore that makeup for 3 days. My first album I ever got was Alive! when I was 5 and I have been hooked on Kiss ever since. - Jim Morgan
Posted on 11/11/2021
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