submit your kiss letter

Thank You

Dear KISS and crew, My hearing is back to normal and I've coughed up sufficient phlegm from the thunderous shock wave of bombastic KISS spectacle at ALPINE VALLEY, East Troy Wisconsin 08 September 2012. Thank you for continued touring, inspiration for personal success and a good example of a great work ethic. Most of all, thank you for yours and your crew's warm hospitality during the Meet & Greet experience. You guys deliver bang for the buck which make it easier to KISS a dollar goodbye. May be I should trademark that! Keep up the good work! -Dan Kelleher
Posted on 09/12/2012

Pin The Tongue On Gene Simmons!

My son is turning 7 and has been a KISS fan (like father, like son!) for many years. We're taking him to the Blossom show tonight for his birthday, which will be his second KISS birthday show! Here's a recent photo of his KISS-themed party where we played "Pin The Tongue On Gene Simmons"!
Posted on 09/12/2012

THE reason Beth was looking forward to her first day back at school

......and NOW we're totally set for the school year!! This is a picture of my daughter Beth, the very proud owner of a KISS lunchbox which she couldn't wait to show off at school! See you on the Monster tour!! Just can't wait! The whole family are getting painted up and we will most definitely be there!!!!!!
Posted on 09/11/2012

Meet And Greet

I'm sure you get a ton of these emails/photos from the meet and greet experiences but I wanted to share a short story in regards to our meet and greet this past Saturday in Chicago. Last year when we got married, we decided that instead of going away for a vacation, we'd save and do the meet and greet instead. Not only was that a wise decision but it gets even better. During the bands acoustic set, I talked w/paul and asked him if the band could play "Forever" since it was our wedding song and explained our decision on this instead of a honeymoon. My wife teared up and the band played the entire thing. I have video and it was an amazing experience. At any rate here is a photo of myself and my wife. Thanks and we'll def be doing the meet and greet again on the next tour.
Posted on 09/11/2012

KISS lover

Hi my name is Astra. I'm nearly 11 years old and my mum has told me about kiss recently. I've listened to your music and it has changed my life forever!! I wish I was around in the 1980's so I could see you in concerts. Even though people my age don't understand why I like you, I don't care because I love ya!! I'm one of your youngest fans!!!! Lots of love Wish you the best Astra
Posted on 09/11/2012

my bathroom !!

Hi y'all, I am really proud of this piece of art i made myself. It's a 150 x 90 cm. mosaic of white and black marbles from our friend Gene Simmons. Me, my husband and our three sons are all very much into Kiss. So when i wanted to make a mosaic for our new bathroom, we all agreed that it had to have something to do with KISS. This is the result. Now that it's done, we are very happy with the result.!! By the way, : our youngest son is now 9 years old, he's the only one who did'nt see Kiss Live. We promissed him that he can come, the next time that the band is visiting here! So, when are you coming to play in Holland again?? All the best, Greetings from me and my familie.
Posted on 09/11/2012

My first concert of KISS

Hi friends, I'm so excited, my father will take me to see them for first time on a concert of you in Foro Sol of M�xico City! I love you friends. Danii Pacheco Tapia.
Posted on 09/10/2012

First KISS experience!!

Dear Kiss, I want to start off by first saying what a great show you and Motley Crue put on at the Riverbend in Ohio! It was my first time seeing you guys! I have been a fan ever since I was little :) KISS' music has always been something my dad and I have been able to share. Every time you guys was on TV, we were side by side watching and singing along! When we heard about the tour we knew this was our chance to see our favorite band together! And it was a night I will never ever forget, because I got to see my favorite band and experience it with my dad!!
Posted on 09/10/2012

Best show ever

I'm only 11 years old turning 12 on September 29th. I went to Dallas and saw you and Motley Crue play in "The Tour". I would just like to say it was the best show I have ever been to. Both Crue and you guys just murdered the whole show. Couldn't have been better. Thank you for the best tour ever!
Posted on 09/09/2012
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