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KISS happy halloween photos

hellou, photos of KISS HAPPY HALLOWEEN 2.012 in BARRICADA ROCK ROOM, Bucaramanga Colombia, Sur Am�rica. + PHOTOS IN: Thanks you !!! jenny
Posted on 10/28/2012


I'm junior high school student girl.I love KISS since I was 11. I bought a magazine called BURRN today.That's because there was a special edition of KISS. In addition,I bought the T-shirt of KISS last week.By teh formal thing,members face is reflected and,in back Paul's guitar and Gene's base appear.I both can be got very happy! Please let me stay as the fan of KISS from noe on all the time! I'm sorry for poor English.
Posted on 10/28/2012

Halloween Picture

We Rocked the house to. I want to Rock and Roll all Nite and Party everyday. It brought the house down. Everyone Loved it. KISS ROCKS PORTLAND
Posted on 10/28/2012

Gene Simmons on Bradway in Nashville!

During a gig on Broadway in Nashville 10/27/12, I noticed someone dressed as Gene Simmons. I sent my wife out to get a picture.. This picture doesn't do this guy justice, meeting him and seeing the detail he had was great! HAPPY KISSOWEEN!
Posted on 10/28/2012

"Back to the Stone-age" art

"Back to the Stone-age" is one of my favorite Monster tracks. However I reserve the right to change favorite at any time.It's kinda hard with all the cool songs.You can view a larger version at I think it'd make a cool "T" shirt. Chris
Posted on 10/27/2012

Sirius XM weekend

A great pleasure listening all weekend on Sirius XM!!!!!....great interviews, but hearing some of the obscure songs, live and studio versions, etc, was the real treat, some versions slower, some faster played, it is great to hear the differences .....I have been losing sleep due to listening so much!!! The Sirius XM thing must have been another one of Gene's great marketing ideas for the new album!!!! I downloaded the new album and some other songs from Itunes... If the whole take was available for purchase, I would buy it at great cost. Cheers, Doorgunner (first concert for me was the cheap seats 1974 in Long Beach, CA) and F the MHOF, I respect you even more for not kissing their ass.
Posted on 10/27/2012
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