submit your kiss letter

Thanks for our Friendship

hello kiss, we're Diana (left) and Selene (right) and we want to thank you because thanks to you guys we met and we have been good friends for almost 8 years. even if we live in different cities our friendship keeps going. I've been a kiss fan since I was a 4 years old girl and you will always be my favourite band. it is embodied in my skin, what i feel for you and your music is special. We tiij this picture in monterrey the last Ocuber 1st! It was our first kiss concert together(we individually saw you before) it won't be the last one. Hope to see you soon, thanks for everything. TOMMY! YOU MAKE MY HEART BEAT!!! -Diana Bencomo Hello guys: As my friend told you, we met because of you and we're really glad about it. I thank for that to happen, we never forget about each other, we're always in contact by phone or internet. I appreciate that you form an important part of my life, you're a great influence for me. I admire your career as musicans, keep on rockin'. I will never forget every single of the feelings you make me. You gave me the sister I never had before of this. Thank you so much -Selene Silva
Posted on 11/15/2012

Australian tour

Hi Guys, Finally after all these years I am going to my first Kiss concert. I was never allowed as a kid and as a teenager my Mum's church smashed up all my cherished Kiss albums. Whenever Kiss has come to Australia I have been living OS or circumstances have prevented me from going. Finally I have my ticket for the concert (up the front) and I am so excited I can hardly contain myself. This will be a dream come true for me after wanting it for 34 years. I was 8 years old when I got my first taste of the Kiss magic and of course was mesmerized. Especially by Paul Stanley. Can't wait to see the show. Woohoo!!! From Theresa
Posted on 11/15/2012

KISS Kruise Karaoke was a BLAST!!

Thank you to the cast and crew of the KISS KRUISE II for making my very first cruise one of the most memorable and fantastic events ever! The karaoke parties were an unexpected highlight for me and I have quite a story to share... As I ventured onstage to perform my rendition of LET ME GO, ROCK AND ROLL, I was joined from the audience by a mysterious man in full Spaceman costume wielding a balloon guitar! Up until this moment, we had never even met or rehearsed anything, but the magic of KISS united us instantly mid-song and the performance quickly morphed from your typical karaoke performance to an impromptu miniature KISS concert with all the trappings! ...all that was missing were fireworks! WE ARE ONE! Can't wait to see what you have in-store for KISS KRUISE III, but needless to say...I WILL BE THERE! Sincerely, Nigel
Posted on 11/15/2012

KISS Wedding Vow Renewal

This couple participated in the Vow Renewal ceremony on the KISS Kruise. They were the longest married couple on the Kruise - 50 years!!
Posted on 11/15/2012

Thanks KISS, I live again

Hi Gene, Paul, Eric and Tommy!!! God bless you all! I'm ready to see you guys here in Sao Paulo 11-17-2012!! Unfortunatley I cant afford to go to the Greet and Meet, but I will soon!!! Gene, you don't know, but after I ready your book Kiss and Make-up, you've saved my life!! Thank you very much for everything you've done do me, even if you don't know!! God bless you all!!! Marcio (Curitiba-Brasil)
Posted on 11/15/2012

KISS photos in Argentina

I send you photos from KISS in Argentina, these photos are exclusive KISSFEVER Argentina. www, 28 years with KISS Only fan club Argentino authorized by KISS
Posted on 11/15/2012

KISS performed on italian Xfactor

Tonight at italian xfactor one of the singers will perform I was made for loving you in Paul makeup... Other people (Vocal coach and other singer) will dress on kiss makeup too... see the link with the rehearsal Tonight great night here in Italy, we are all exited.. fans and not fans... Andrea/Acebear
Posted on 11/15/2012

Can't wait for the Brazilian shows in S�o Paulo & Rio de Janeiro this weekend!

The day this picture was taken was very meaningful, not only because we got to have a blast at a tribute to KISS in 2003, but coincidentaly I saw my other half Marcelo Val, playing on the show and we only got to start dating 3 years ago! I met my soul mate almost 10 years ago, having friends in common but never got to be introduced to each other until October 2009. KISS is a big part of my life and I would like to thank you for bringing so much happiness, excitement and Rock 'N Roll making billions of lives more special! "KISSCROTAS" is a word joke, in portuguese this sound pronounced means "what a c*nt" = que escrota! Hope you all enjoyed my story! :) Keep rocking!
Posted on 11/14/2012

God of Thunder piano cover

Here's my tribute to the hottest band in the world!! Someone had to play this song on the piano!
Posted on 11/14/2012

KISS on cover

here's gene on the cover of the french magazine "metallian" there's 2 pages inside covering kiss. greets jiri from belgium
Posted on 11/14/2012
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