submit your kiss letter

Lukas from Sweden

This is Lukas from Sweden. He is 6y old. He started to listen to Kiss at the age of 4. Lick It Up is is fav-song. Yesterday (22.6) he joined his mother and father, celebrating their 10th anniversary in Gothenburg to se your last performance in Sweden. He has never been sitting down this long. He was excited from first minute you all entered the scene. Thank you for making this kid happy and exciting about your albums. We also have movies when he took his dad's old Guitar Hero-guitar, a mic and had his own show with videos from you on YouTube.

Sandra Jahnstedt

Posted on 07/24/2022

Julia 1 Aninho

Juju fez 1 aninho com o tema KISS End of the road! Ensinando o que e bom desde cedo! - Rafael Cavalcante Ferro

Posted on 07/24/2022

New KISS Fans

These are my children! The daughter is already a fan, my little son proved to be the new Kiss fan! We are looking forward to Kiss in Brazil! - Fábio De Nardo Moura

Posted on 07/24/2022

Destroyer Tattoo

Hi! I'm from Mexico City, I hope see you soon rocking here. This is my new tattoo. - José Antonio Pineda Rodríguez

Posted on 07/24/2022

KISS sisters

I have listened to KISS all my life so when they came to play I took my twelve year old sister. It was the best day ever! For those who say that Muslims do not like KISS: music has no race or religion! Thank you for all the joy you have given us KISS through your fantastic music! Sara Al Mutari
Posted on 07/17/2022

Youngest fan :)

Hello! I am Mircea. I'm 8 and the youngest fan from Romania, too. In this July it's my birthday, so i will be 9. One of the presents was a ticket to your concert in Bucharest. I discovered KISS when i was three. Top Five Favourite Songs (TFFS): 1. Uh! Al Night 2. I Was Made For Lovin' You 3. God Of Thunder 4. Crazy Crazy Nights 5. God Gave Rock And Roll To You Can you send an autograph for me and one for my grandpa, Viorel? See you at the concert, Mircea
Posted on 07/17/2022


With cardboard, silver tape and strawberry syrup 7 year old Joss Davenport rocks in Scarborough North Yorkshire England!! ?’ - Thomas Davenport

Posted on 07/07/2022
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