submit your kiss letter

Come to Scotland!

My name is Ethan and I'm 6 years old. I live in Edinburgh in Scotland! Please come and play here so I can see you! KISS ARE AWESOME!
Posted on 03/23/2014

KISS School Photos!

Hey KISS My last letter seemed to have been left out for the last update, so here's it again. I study in Hong Kong, and for our school photos, my whole class decided to put on our facepaints. Horns up! m/ m/
Posted on 03/22/2014

Hall of Fame

Once again the R&R Hall of Fame makes no sense in its decisions. Inducting only the original lineup of KISS is akin to inducting The Rolling Stones and The Beatles but saying "I'm sorry, but Ronnie Wood, Mick Taylor and Ringo Starr aren't original members, so they're not being inducted". Inducting Donna Summer into the R&R Hall of Fame is like inducting Willie Mays, Wayne Gretzky or Bobby Orr into the NFL Hall of Fame. Talented? yes. Appropriate? not even close. Oh well, I've got a 2nd row center ticket for my 13th KISS show in August, I'm set to ROCK! Jerry
Posted on 03/19/2014

40 year - congratulation

Hi KISS, I would like to thank you for everything what you have done, you do and you will do. KISS are the best, I love KISS and I wish you all the best to the next many many years and please come to Europe especially to Prague to celebrate KISS anniversary!!!! Thank you very much Tom
Posted on 03/19/2014

KISS is Awesome!

Alex is 22, autistic, verbal apraxic and has Keratoconus.. He absolutely LOVES KISS!! In his words "KISS is Awesome!" and his favorite. Last Halloween, he was lucky enough to dress up as Gene, along with members of his family as other members of the band, for a costume party. It meant the world to him. He's a great young man and dreams of seeing KISS perform live before he loses much more vision. Hopefully, we can make it to the concert in Detroit. On his behalf, thank you being KISS and continuing to tour.
Posted on 03/19/2014


Hi KISS Congratulations on your 40th Anniversary. Hope to see you soon in Europe !!!! I was wondering why is Sonic Boom out of the vinil box. Thank you Your super fan from Italy :-)
Posted on 03/19/2014


Kiss may Never read this But I want to Show my Apreciation To Them so here it Goes.. 1977 was the first time I put a Kiss Record On my fischer price Turntable. The Record Was Destroyer That My Cousin Jimmy Gave me. I was Hooked Instantly. the Cover Art Grabbed me First .. Standing on a Mountain Above a Destroyed World were 4 of the Most Fascinating Monsters i had Ever Seen. The faces , The Uniforms These werent men to me they were Super Heroes .. The Music Was heavy and Catchy and within a few days i was Singing The Lyrics Word For Word or Atleast what i thought were the Words at the time. .. (You know how You percieve Things Differently when you are 7 Years old) Regardless of What words I was Singing I was Still Singing along with Kiss.. And It would be something that would Stick with me for the rest of my Life. Halloween 1977 Was my first Chance to dress Up Like Ace Frehley And I remember Feeling Larger than Life as I walked House to House Filling my Back up with candy making Sure that Each House owner Knew That I Was Ace Frehley of Kiss.. somwhere Around that same time My Mom let Me and My brother And sisters Join Columbia House .. We each Got to Pick 2 records and Can You Guess Which records i Picked ?? Kiss - Rock -N- Roll Over and Kiss - Love Gun. I Peeled the Free Sticker from Rock -N- Roll Over and Put it On My wall The same day I got it and The Pop Gun Inside Of my Love Gun Record Was Destroyed within Days becasue i Popped it alittle too Hard and It ripped. (God id Love to have That Gun and Sticker now) Ofcourse The Records Came with a Merch Form and Mom Bought me my 1st Kiss T-Shirt That i never Took off Until It Wore Out and it actually Disintigrated. In 3rd grade My teacher Told the Class To Write About what they did During the Summer and Ofcourse I Took the Opportunity To Write The Entire Lyrics To the song '' I Want You'' When my teacher called my mom Thinking Surely there was Somthing Wrong with me My Mom Only Smiled when she realized that there was No hiddin meaning behind it other than a 3rd grader writing The Lyrics to one of His favorite songs.. I even tried to to pull the price tag off of a Kiss remote Control Van To make it 99 cents instead of 17 Dollars But I didnt make it past the Cashier.. Ayhow What im Saying is that to Me Kiss Is Larger than Life and That Feeling Has never Left me.. Infact Kiss Is Bigger than Kiss Itself.. And Thats What Kiss means to me .. Some Folks in the Metal Community Thinks Its Not Cool to be a Kiss Fan But i dont care.. Are they a Metal band ?? Maybe Not .. But They are My generations Rolling Stones.. Kiss Introduced me To the World Of Hard Rock and without That inspiration I probabally wouldnt have gotten Into Heavy Metal In the First Place.. Through the 80's and 90's Although i got into Some extreme heavy Music I would Still Always Pick up The Latest kiss records And I Went absolutley Crazy Over The 90's reunion Tour .. As For the latest line Up i feel that Sonic Boom and Monster have Almost Re Created Kiss in a new Exciting way and I will Continue to wave my Kiss Flag high in the Future as i have done for Over 36 years .. Today At Age 43 Listening To Kiss Still Gives me That Same feeling That has been With me Since 1977 .. What Else can be said ?? Kiss is The Greatest Rock -N- Roll Band In the World.. Thank you Kiss . And I Say This in a Total hetrosexual Way.. I LOVE YOU GUYS !!!
Posted on 03/19/2014


My first KISS TATTOO A� est� a minha primeira tatuagem em homenagem a melhor banda de todos os tempos :) Bruno S�o Paulo, Brasil
Posted on 03/19/2014
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