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Caf� de Bliksem

Spotted this Cafe in the Netherlands. Proudly using the KISS font. Caf� de Bliksem
Posted on 05/29/2014

Kayleigh's High School Graduation

Hi Mr. Simmons, My daughter Kayleigh has loved KISS for more than half of her life, especially YOU! She just graduated high school this past Saturday. So, instead of going with her traditional school colors (what fun would that be?) on her graduation cake we rocked it up a bit! It only seemed fitting that we include you in some way. The red cord around her neck represents her work with the Red Cross. She is the second highest blood donor at her school. She is also the first female bassist to ever march the field with her High School Marching Band. You have been a huge influence on her life and I can�t thank you enough for being such a great mentor. Because of you she has decided to go into teaching. She wants to teach music. I often wonder if you truly realize how you have influenced so many lives in such a positive way. We hope you keep doing what you do for many, many more years to come. I also want to say thank you for all of the work you do to support our military. It means a lot to us, the military families. My son is a SSGT in the Air Force, stationed at Minot Air Force Base in Minot, North Dakota. We are looking forward to your summer tour... Best wishes, Lisa
Posted on 05/29/2014

Thanks to Paul and KISS!

I don`t know if you`ll see this Mr. Stanley. But if you do, please accept my deepest thank you for sharing your awesome life experience and your wisdom with the world! What this picture hanging on my office wall shows, is actually a brand new record deal. So what? Well, at least in Norway these days, for a hard rock band, that is almost unheard of. This deal is for five years and I have to say I don`t think I have seen another hard rock band, in Norway that is, get a deal like this for decades here now! And it`s a good old fashion "we pay-you play"-deal too! Not this shitty 360 deals they keep throwing at bands and artists these days! I have followed you guys for 35 years now and everything we do (I play drums and manage Norwegian classic rock band Humbucker) is more or less a replica of what you guys have done. In a much smaller scale of course but it`s still the same way of working: Being focused, having goals, dreams and never giving up on those. In this particular case, I remembered this thing that you said some time ago: "The only one who fail is the one who says it can`t be done"! I don`t think I have heard a better saying in my life! That says it all! I keep that in my head all the time and I used that to the full in this case as I called the label-manager four times in a month. Ones a week for a month I let him know that we were no quitters and that we would really like to have a talk and that we were convinced that he could do a great job for and with us. In the end he checked out our music and agreed to a meeting and I met him, had a 3,5 hrs very nice meeting with him, and the result was this incredible deal! And even though I knew about him a great deal, it turned out that he is much more well connected in the business and have even more experience that I knew of. We could NOT get a better man in Norway to work for us and the whole band is stunned and feel unbelievably lucky! In fact, he told me he wanted to sign us because of the quality of our work AND because we would not give up on him and "take no for an answer"! Not many bands today had that attitude he said. Which of course is a great honor coming from a guy like that! But really it`s honoring you and what you stand for so I don`t take credit for that at all! I have experienced many dreams coming true because of the way you work and the inspiration it gives me, but this is probably the biggest! Thank you so very much again and please keep sharing your wisdom! I wish you the best of luck for the future Sir and to the band too! If you would like to, you are welcome of course to check out Humbucker at And of course, if you check out the video for the song `The Way I Am` on our page, you will probably also understand, from the lyrics, what I`m saying... Cheers from Norway Sir! Best Regards Geir Arne Dale Norway, May 20th 2014
Posted on 05/28/2014


On June 8, Japanese Kiss tribute band "KISSDOLLS" will play in Osaka, Japan. Title of the Event is cool. It is called the "DAITO ROCK CITY". "DAITO" is, is the name of the city where the Event will be held. Of course, it's title play on "Detroit Rock City". From what I hear, the current mayor's Kiss fan. The important thing, this thing Event that will be held for the revitalization of the city DAITO. We KISSDOLLS is honored to be able to play in this great Event.
Posted on 05/28/2014

KISS graphic

Had to show you one of my recent graphics STAY ALIVE Photocoyote
Posted on 05/28/2014

Rob`s 50th

Hello KISS and KISS Army ! I turned 50 this year and my wife n friends threw me a great party ~ I was psyched to see this KISS BDAY Cake w/our photo from KK3 and the KISS Mini Mates Decor m/ ..... My longtime jam buddy MattL Presented me w/a Gene Simmons Axe Bass ... WOW what a way to end the awesome night ! 50 has been AMAZING so far ! A big Thx to my wife , friends and of course KISSSSSS !!!! Rob50 Raskiss
Posted on 05/27/2014

I am a big fan of KISS

I have been a big fan of the band and have been for years . I love listening to your songs and watching use live on my iPad and have a good sing and dance to them. I would love onc day if I could meet use I have a learning disability but that doesn't slow me down. I would love to come to one of your concerts one day that would be my big dream come true. Hope to hear back from use thank you
Posted on 05/27/2014

french KISS

Hello Kiss Army, I send you this picture of the Kiss logo that will be part of a keychain. My daughter Lucie is in her first year of jewelry school. As she had free choice for one piece to create, she wanted to please her huge long time Kiss fan dad and made me this great personal object. When she showed her creation to her teacher, the professor told her : " Wow go polish it. Kiss is a very good choice of model ! ". Now I want to share this with all Kiss fans and hope all parents have a daughter as kind as Lucie is. Hope to see Kiss in france soon. Friendly yours, Christophe
Posted on 05/26/2014
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