submit your kiss letter

Rock and Roll high school uio

This picture was taken in a presentation I made in honor of Kiss at my school in 2010 with my friends, I have always been passionate about good music and Rock and much admiration and respect I hope that you enjoy it. thank you very much.

Posted on 04/04/2015

Brazilian KISS Army

Hi , my name is Marques M�¡skara. I'm from Brazil . We look forward to arrival of KISS to Brazil.

Posted on 04/04/2015


I got my signed Paul Stanley Iceman guitar today that I won in the Face the Music photo contest. Thanks Paul!!!

Posted on 04/04/2015

Me as Paul 1977

Found this it was for our schools version of The Gong Show aka talent show. We lip synced Take Me from RnR Over. We were a hit, but not with the teachers. Rock Star for one night!

Posted on 04/04/2015
Tour Merch
Presale Access