submit your kiss letter

Teaching him young

My dad is a huge KISS fan. He raised his three daughters to be KISS fans. Now he is teaching his grandson about rock and roll. Any ideas for this KISS fan's Father's Day gift as a new grandfather? Thanks!

Posted on 06/18/2015

KISS is everywhere

Hello Kiss hereis an page advertising for the exclusive Kiss40 cd, in honor of the forthcoming show in Verona. .... I wait you for the show greetings from Italy KISS ROCKS !! your soldier Roberto

Posted on 06/18/2015

Thanksgiving Silver Plate

I am Massimo Bastianelli a 51 year old fan from Florence Italy. I will be in Verona for the main show and also for the special Acoustic Set. I am a goldsmith and for this occasion I have made, completely by hand and in solid silver, a special gift for the band, see picture. It will be an honour for me to have the occasion to consign it directly in the hands of my heroes. I ask only few minutes of their time and anything else. Will it be possible? I hope so. Can I have a feedback or a sign that I can realize this dream? Yours sincerely, Massimo. Florence Italy

Posted on 06/18/2015

His first 7months of RnR And party all night!

Hi this is a picture of my youngest son Danny Gabriel living his first KISS moments. He had already listened to the complete KISS Discography And love to shout , when he listen I love it loud. Have a kisstastik day. Dany

Posted on 06/18/2015

The aftermath

Same class at Savannah Power Yoga. Just like KISS - you give your all and leave it out there. At the end you lay back and relax, knowing nothing beats it! Rock on!

Posted on 06/18/2015

Paul Tattoo

I am from Winnipeg MB. I have loved KISS since I was a kid, especially Paul:) I think Psycho Circus is a great song.. Hope you like it Paul.

Posted on 06/18/2015


This is me and my friend going to school for 70s day!!!! I love the music Kiss makes their songs are the best!!!! Hope I get to see them in concert some day soon.

Posted on 06/18/2015
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