submit your kiss letter

Biggest show ever

Hello everyone, Today there was a note on the most relevant Brazilian newspaper reminding the biggest events at Maracan�£ Stadium, and of course, KISS show of 1983 was quoted as the major event ever in public. I was just a child (9) and already crazy about KISS back then. I remember the fuss about everything regarding the band. I loved you then, now and forever!...... Just wanted to share...KISS!

Posted on 08/02/2015

KISS and Scooby Doo

Finally got around to watching this and i gotta say KISS and Scooby Scooby-Doo and Kiss: Rock and Roll Mystery hit it out of the park. I Wont go into telling what happened but between all the KISS music, all the KISS References, Graphics and the story as well as A certain KISS Manager selling stuff througout the movie its just an awesome movie! If you havent seen it yet see it, get the movie because to me this isnt just for kids, You love KISS like me you will love this! The plot was good! You wanted the best well we got it again! THANK YOU!

Posted on 08/02/2015

Biggest KISS fan

Hi my name is Angelena mother to a special needs daughter. Her name is Raeleeana her diagnosis is Williams syndrome one of their strengths is that they are musically inclined. My daughter is abosoultely OBSESSED with kiss Gene Simmons imparticular. She's has written Gene before and has heard no response. It would mean the world to bother me and her if we could hear some thing back :) Sincerely, Momma of a true KiSS fan!

Posted on 08/02/2015
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