submit your kiss letter

Tattoo gene

Brazilian KISS everday, i love all formations, but Gene Simmons this is my hero. Thanks lord .

Posted on 09/25/2016

Thanks Uncle Gene-ish

We were experiencing sever thunder storms that morning. My 3 year old granddaughter said she wanted my boots in her room because they are nice "Dagons" (Dragons) and they would keep he safe. It worked.

Posted on 09/21/2016

KISS is Everywhere!

KISS Gene's model woman bag! Very Amazing winter Collection 2016/2017. From Castel Romano ( Roma ITALY ) Shopping centre.

Posted on 09/21/2016

My birthday with the KISS fanatic

As a child my dad had the red 8track and since then I have been a fan then I met my man and he reintroduced me go you guys and I can't get enough my bday is 9/13/85 I am OVER THE MOON 2 c u guys hope to meet you by chance if moons align! 💟 Kendra Johnson and adam lohnes best maine fans ever!

Posted on 09/17/2016

KISS Rocks Richmond Va

Hi Kiss Kommunity! This is a pic of me and my girlfriend Jennifer front row for the Richmond show! My 17th show and her 2nd! We drove from NC/SC border 323 miles for the show! Worth every mile! Best I've ever seen them! Rock on Gene, Paul, Eric and Tommy! -Alan

Posted on 09/17/2016
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