submit your kiss letter

Nikki Sinn

This is my friend and fellow KISS NAVY Brother from the powerful and attractive band V.

Posted on 02/04/2017

6 year old Chris as Star Child

My son Chris is a huge KISS fan since he was four when he asked me who my favorite band was! He researched everything he could about KISS since then and has become a Kisstorian! This Halloween he dressed up as his favorite member Star Child! Rock on Chris!

Posted on 02/02/2017

A costum made Beth-Stool

Hi KISS! We are KISS Lickss, a Dutch tribute to the hottest band on earth! Long have we searched for the perfect stool to perform Beth on, but then decided to make one ourselves. We've got a Peter Criss portait painted on the front, our logo on the right. On the back we've got a bloody rose (roses and 'Beth' are ofcourse inseparable) and the signatures of all current and past KISS-members. This stool might look lonely, and we hope it'll be alright. 'Cause KISS Lickss will be playing: all night!

Posted on 02/02/2017

Picture perfect

Went to my first KISS concert in Dayton, OH on August 22 during the Freedom to Rock Tour. I was in row 6 rocking out when I managed to get this picture of Paul as he swung out over the crowd. Quite possibly the best picture I've ever taken.

Posted on 02/02/2017

Mdog is a huge KISS fan too!!!

G'day from Down Under, I have been a KISS fan since 1979 and this Christmas my wife custom made a Gene mask for my dog as a surprise. Check out his tongue, it's huge too!!!

Posted on 02/02/2017

My 30's KISS Birthday Party

Dear Kiss my name is Nicky Vela from Lima-Per� and I'm a big fan of the band. My Mother and Sisters made this decirations and cake for my 30's birthday.

Posted on 02/02/2017

Little Paul Stanley

Our son loves KISS! We dressed up as KISS one Halloween and this was my fave pic. Both kids have started electric guitar lessons after watching KISS in Richmond! Total fans!

Posted on 02/02/2017
Tour Merch
Presale Access