submit your kiss letter


We got married last weekend. It was a really great Kiss Show and I wanna show you a picture of our wedding day. We had an absolutely cool chauffeur with an awesome �Kiss Car�.

Posted on 07/22/2017

KISS come back Rio de Janeiro again!

Kiss, I don't write and speak english very well. I'm Brazilian and i live in Rio de Janeiro. I was in Maracan�£ and i watched kiss Tour 10 years. I like much Rock and Roll and in my opinion, Kiss is the bigger Rock and Hard Rock Band in the world. I saw too Kiss live in Pra�a da Apoteose in 2009 and HSBC ARENA in 2012. Kiss come back Rio de Janeiro again for more un great show in Maracan�£ stadium ou stadium N�­lton Santos, Engenh�£o.

Posted on 07/22/2017

Let's Rock!!!

Hi my name is Ian Dischinger and I do Impersonations of Rock Stars. When I was 18 I won 3rd place at Famous Dave's Elvis Contest against 17 other guys. I have done Billy Idol and Angus Young. My fave is doing Gene Simmons! Oh, and by the way, I have Down's Syndrome and it does not keep me DOWN! I have an awesome Rock and roll life. I also sing and play drum in a Rock Band called Rock of Ages and we play at gigs. I hope I will go see Kiss dressed as Gene Simmons in Hinkley. Rock on!!!!

Posted on 07/18/2017

My fan art

Dear kiss. Thank you for being THE best rock band ever! Been a fan since was 9 (1979), and will be fan till die. Paul, from one artist to another, I hope you (and the others) like this picture. It's my tribute to KISS. Thank you for all you guys do.keep rockin'!

Posted on 07/18/2017


Dear Kiss. Sorry this letter/picture gets to you so late. Have had some computer issues. This is me and my family at the kiss Freedom to rock concert in Spokane Wa last july. You guys were AMAZING! You rocked like no other. If you ever come back to spokane, and i really hope you do, we are defiantly going. Saw your reunion tour as well. KISS will ALWAYS be THE HOTTEST BAND IN THE WORLD!

Posted on 07/18/2017
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