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Paul Stanleys guitar

Here is a shot of the guitar I caught at Madison Square Garden, July 24, 1979. In this Photograph, from left to right: Zach Nevel, Myself, Eddie Stanulous and Iggy Lanegro. They helped me get out of the garden alive with the guitar tucked under my jacket. - Michael Altini

Posted on 07/24/2018


Paul Stanley's artwork at the new Hard Rock Casino and Hotel in Atlantic City, New Jersey - Michael Altini

Posted on 07/23/2018

OOPS ! KISS Factory we have a problem?

A couple items from my collection that slipped through the cracks? Factory Sealed on purpose or honest mistakes? I bet Gene doesn't have these in his KISSROOM? $$$$$$ Cheers from Calgary, Alberta, CANADA ! KISSARMY for Life! Dave L.

Posted on 07/23/2018

Paul Stanley's artwork

Danna Curcio and I went to the new Hard Rock Casino and Hotel in Atlantic City, New Jersey yesterday. We were pleasant surprised that the WentWorth Gallery has rented space there and was displaying Paul Stanley's artwork. All the paintings looked really great. We are excited to find out that Paul will be there sometime in October. - Michael Altini

Posted on 07/21/2018


After a Fun Day at the Ice Skating Rink in Clearwater Florida, we scored these Awesome Kiss Kandy Sticks on the Kandy Krane Machine OOOOO Yeah!!!!!! - Randy Rubenstein

Posted on 07/21/2018

Dressed To Kill Shoes

Just wanted to show off these custom made Dressed To Kill shoes that a good friend of mine made and surprised me with for my upcoming birthday. - Scott Carr

Posted on 07/18/2018

KISS in Madrid, July 2018

Hey all, This is Elad from Israel. After 40 years...a dream come true, saw KISS in Madrid on July 8. Won't wait another 40 years for the next time. Here's the framed collage i prepared from photos i took - also caught a guitar pick thrown by Tommy to the audience, it is in the frame...what a great souvenir from a great concert! - Elad Naggar

Posted on 07/18/2018
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