submit your kiss letter

Billy, Ship's Bosun on USS Frank Cable Award

Dear Paul, Gene, Eric and Tommy: I am a full on 45-year fan and have seen you 39 times across the US. I salute the support you give to veterans. Along those lines I'm writing to ask if you would consider adding the men and women of the United States Merchant Marine to the group when you shout out your love. During WWII the only service that suffered more KIA than the USMM was the Marine Corps. During every conflict the US has been involved in the Merchant Marine delivered the bullets, blankets, beans and gas. The difference? We do it without fail and we can't shoot back. I've been a merchant mariner for 30 years, along with 8 years active service in the USN. Currently I am 20 years in to service with the United States Navy Military Sealift Command, rated as a Boatswain. ( if you want to find out about us). We feed, fuel and arm the US Fleet at sea. Not looking for anything special, just inclusion. We are America's 4th Arm of Defense. Not in the same league as the armed service shooters, but we do play a real part. Just asking, fellas. Your final tour is a true harbinger of the passing of my youth. Sorry to see you go, but all good things come to an end. No doubt you all will go out beyond "on top" Thanks for listening and thanks for the ride. It's been a gas! William "Billy" Bushey Boatswain, Military Sealift Command

Posted on 11/13/2018

Me and my mini-me's!

These girls are SO excited to FINALLY see you live! The older one was just too young back in 2012 to come see you, but she's been a fan since Day ONE!! Your music has gotten me through some REALLY tough times in my life and I just about cried when my teenage daughter had a rough day with friends and I found her locked in her room listening to you!! Thanks for the memories and the music!!!! - Yvonne Marchione

Posted on 11/13/2018

Pumpkin Contest

Kallie Crawford from SC, chose to do Gene as her pumpkin for the contest at school for her dad who is a huge KISS fan. - Timmy Crawford

Posted on 11/13/2018

End of the Road Ticket

Hello just bought my tickets for the End of the Road concert at Tampa on April 11th. This will be my 7th kiss concert and this time I'm taking my 8 year doughter along with my wife. We are comming all the way from Panama. - Rodrigo Gonzalez

Posted on 11/13/2018

The Bell Center in Montreal Completed for March 19, 2019 !!

Hi Paul, Gene, Tommy and Eric, It is for you to inform that all the tickets of the Bell Center are finished and all is complete !! In the space of 3 days, the general tickets are all sold !! All that's left is the VIP tickets from Lounge KISS & Meet & Greet. That's all that's left for sale. Thank you !! Marie-Rose Desjardins

Posted on 11/11/2018
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