submit your kiss letter


We came from California,Georgia ,Australia,Arizona, Michigan and Tennessee to see KISS LIVE in LAS VEGAS!! THE BAND WAS ALIVE and so was THE STAGE!! Totally amazing can't wait for MSG!! - Joe Polo

Posted on 02/25/2019

1975 Tattoo

Tattoo from when me.n 3 friends invaded radio station in riverside calif dressed to Kill lol waht a awesome thing it turned out to be we recieved back stage passes to the anahiem stadium concert shortly after plus. albums n kewl belt bukles n stuff great memorys meeting them all amazing musicians - Bill

Posted on 02/25/2019

Emma (KISS @ GretnaFest 2017)

This is my daughter Emma. I took her to see KISS at Gretna Fest in September of 2017. She wanted to wear Gene's makeup because... well, as you can see in the pics, she has the tongue for it. She was 7 years old when these pics were taken. She is now 9 and will be putting on Gene's makeup again this Friday when me and my wife will take her to see KISS again in New Orleans! We are all excited to go ROCK-N-ROLL !! - Randy LeBlanc

Posted on 02/25/2019

Small KISS Band!


We are coming to your show in Chicago! Please look for us in the audience. We just recently did a KISS tribute for our school variety show and it was a big hit, so our parents agreed to bring us to see you guys live in Chicago! We will be dressed and ready to rock ALL NITE LONG! Look for us! Your biggest fans, Wyatt, Lukka, Alex and John

Posted on 02/25/2019

Halloween KISS

What KISS fan who dressed up for Halloween as Peter for 6 years with her best friend (Nicole) as Gene could be more proud than when her 11 year old says: 1. Mom, when (not if) you go to WalMart, can you get me a white t-shirt? (why?) So I can write KISS on it to wear to the concert. (I was SO proud) AND THEN 2. Can I paint my face? (OMG YES! Who do you want to be? as I tell him their nicknames) Space Ace (that's COOL because your Dad was Ace for Halloween before you came along when we had time to win money and trips) He looks them over but then changes his mind to the Demon.... haaaaaa. Thank God his makeup is the 2nd easiest to "draw", and a sweet remembrance of my late friend Nicole. Can't WAIT to see you guys tomorrow night ~ Sydney in Memphis, TN

Posted on 02/25/2019

The T-shirt the group of drummers made for my Dad. May he RIP.

Hello, My name is Aurora Rupe, I'm from Chihuahua, Chihuahua, M?©xico. The reason of this letter is to honor my Dad, he passed away last Sunday, February 17th 2019. I grew up listening to KISS as lullabies to put me to sleep, according to my Dad they did work. My Mom had a different perspective about putting a baby to sleep. My Dad wanted to play drums his entire life and 3 years ago, he joined a drummers club in the City of Chihuahua in Mexico, where he lived his entire life. He was the oldest of them all, but none of them knew how to read musical notes, my Dad learned in two years. They shared that with me during the funeral last week. They're 60 drummers and they all loved how my Dad loved KISS and to play the drums. During the burial they played and signed different songs in his honor, and the last one was "I was made for loving you baby". I was smiling and crying at the same time, grabbing my husband's hand tightly, thinking how happy my Dad was in heaven, playing his drums and rocking along with all of them. They also gave me a T-shirt they made in his honor and I'm going to wear it this next Tuesday February 26th 2019. I live in Oklahoma City with my Husband, We invited my Dad to come to this concert with us, and he will be there with us. We're going to rock the night away like he would've done it. It's going to be hard and an emotional concert for us, but we want to honor him and his love for the band he love until the day he died. His name was Oscar Humberto Escobedo M÷rquez, he was 56 years old, he wasn't sick, he just fell asleep and his heart stopped beating, he was a proud member of the KISS Army. Thank you for giving my Dad so many years of joy and rock.

Posted on 02/25/2019

Fan Art

Hi guys ! i'm a canadian illustrator who lives in Paris and i'm a huge fan since i have 13 and now i'm 52.... i remember from the first day i always drawing Kiss Art i send to you a montage of four arts in the same file it's Kiss from the seventies Sly Deshaies Instagram : @Sly100dessins
Posted on 02/22/2019

Fan Art

Hi guys ! i'm a canadian illustrator who lives in Paris and i'm a huge fan since i have 13 and now i'm 52.... i remember from the first day i always drawing Kiss Art i send to you a montage of four arts in the same file it's Kiss from the seventies Sly Deshaies Instagram : @Sly100dessins
Posted on 02/22/2019
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