submit your kiss letter

Halloween costume winner

8 year old Eli Summers took 1st place at his 2019 elementary school Halloween costume contest. He practiced for weeks acting like Gene Simmons. As a father , I've never been prouder. Thanks for the inspiration!! - Michael Rabbitt
Posted on 11/05/2019

KISS art

Hi, I'd like to share my KISS artwork. I drew Paul, Gene, Tommy, and Eric with using watercolors ! By the way, I'm so excited about the show in Tokyo, Japan in December!! I can't wait!! - Minori Nakaishi
Posted on 11/05/2019

KISS art

Hi, I'd like to share my KISS artwork. I drew Paul, Gene, Tommy, and Eric with using watercolors ! By the way, I'm so excited about the show in Tokyo, Japan in December!! I can't wait!! - Minori Nakaishi
Posted on 11/05/2019

Birthday cake

Hey KISS Family! I celebrated my 50th birthday this month and my wife Martina and my daughter Gina made it an unforgettable day. Most awesome surprise was, that they hired the incredible german ?€?The KISS tribute band?€? to play at the party. These guys kick ass! And even more, Gina made this great birthday cake that I wanted to share with you. SO AWESOME. I still can?€?t believe it!! See you on the boat! Rock on & many greets from Germany, Mario
Posted on 10/29/2019

Cheerleaders Gone Wild

My daughter is a college cheerleader and I believe that she and a few of her teammates represented y?€™all well at a Halloween party. She was Gene because they are both so over the top! - Elizabeth Carter
Posted on 10/29/2019

Leo Rock City!

Leo is testing out his Halloween costume a few days early. Rocking in full Catman costume on his Pearl drums. -Manuel Las Vegas
Posted on 10/26/2019

My Ace Frehley Drawing

Hi KISS I drew this Ace Frehley Spaceman drawing just for you guys. I used my own art style so I hope you will like it. - Golda Page
Posted on 10/26/2019


Hi , We are the Argentinian Tribute KISS ALIVE , and we are making a new show called "DYNASTY UNMASKED CELEBRATION" in honor of those two great albums , wearing the costumes from that era made by ourselves . The show is full of effects as usual and in addition , is loaded of videos situating the audience in the 80's. we hope yuo like it !
Posted on 10/26/2019


Hi , We are the Argentinian Tribute KISS ALIVE , and we are making a new show called "DYNASTY UNMASKED CELEBRATION" in honor of those two great albums , wearing the costumes from that era made by ourselves . The show is full of effects as usual and in addition , is loaded of videos situating the audience in the 80's. we hope yuo like it !
Posted on 10/26/2019
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