submit your kiss letter

Coloring his idols

My 6 year old grandson is the Demon biggest fan. He has asked for a axe bass for Christmas at 6. I wish he could meet him sooo bad. I am uploading a few of my favorite shots of his band pics. - Loretta Malone
Posted on 12/05/2019

I love KISS

Hola, mi hijo y yo somos muy fan de kiss amamos su musica pero no hemos tenido la oportunidad de verlos en Vivo; Somos de Colombia y ellos vendran en Abril de 2020, y aun no tenemos las boletas debido a la situacion economica, ojala pudieramos hacer algo para poder ir. Gracias Andres Leonardo Roa Luque
Posted on 12/03/2019

After almost 8 years, the biggest show on Earth returns to Porto

Hey, guys? How are you? I'm fine! After I heard you were coming back to my city, I was one of the first to go buy tickets to the concert. I still can't believe I'll see you again, since it's been almost eight years since I saw you for the first time right here in Porto Alegre. This time it will be even more special, because my wife will go with me. We are very anxious! May God bless you! MATHEWS LEAL
Posted on 12/03/2019

Merry Christmas KISS

Dear KISS, I would like to wish you guys a very merry Christmas. Thank you for all the years of rock n roll. Good luck this year on the End Of The Road Tour. Wishing you a happy holiday season. Sincerely, Ashton Thompson
Posted on 12/03/2019
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