submit your kiss letter

Grandpa and I

Hello! I've been a fan of KISS since I was 2 years old! My father put the destroyer on and well the rest is KISSTORY! When I was 8, 9 and 10 years old I dressed up as The Demon for halloween. This photo is my favorite from 1998. My grandpa was so excited to see me in full make-up! I recently gave my grandpa a copy of this photo. He told me out of all the pictures we have together, this one was his favorite. When I would dress up as the demon for halloween, I always got compliments and people would stop and take my picture while I was out trick or treating. Those three years I dressed up as Gene Simmons, was some of my best Halloween memories. #keeprocking #KISSarmysince92 Heather Howell
Posted on 07/25/2020


Always been a fan of kiss Gene was always my favorite ! Finally decided to have makeup done this past Halloween - Angela
Posted on 07/25/2020

KISS Family

I've been a Kiss fan since I was in middle school. I took my daughter and my girlfriend to their very first Kiss concert in April 2019. You guys rocked Tampa and made memories that none of us will ever forget! Nicholas Tangredi
Posted on 07/25/2020


This is the full costume I made for my 70s themed party I had before I moved from Salt Lake City to Austin, TX. Constructed the boots entirely on my own, cut up and repainted the chest plates and shoulders from an old Halloween costume, made the cape and gauntlets, and of course painted my own face. Nicole Adams
Posted on 07/25/2020


A close up picture of my undead Paul Stanley costume for my birthday this past Halloween - Nicole Adams
Posted on 07/25/2020

Twinning with mommy

Budette, mommy's rescue, and mommy are twinning in their rocking KISS shirts. Since mommy is a huge Paul Stanley and KISS fan, it is only natural that Budette is too. Nanette Arnold
Posted on 07/25/2020
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