submit your kiss letter

Army girl

KISS are my favorite band since I was child. Rock and Roll - Addie Simmons
Posted on 09/03/2020


My Love Gun Girl time traveled to the love gun era to pose with the boys LOL my favorite era (obviously) xoxo - Cecelia Davis
Posted on 09/03/2020

1 year old dressed to kill!

Well we all know who the coolest kid at daycare was today. His "first" KISS show was in the womb last year. My first was almost 25 years ago. My dad's was 43 years ago. Carrying on the tradition in hopes that he'll actually get to see them live someday soon. - Clinton Perrot
Posted on 09/03/2020

KISS wall in progress!

I had the great opportunity to collect a few albums, your Hotter Than Hell figurine collection and then I made some drawings of the members and got them printed and hung up for my KISS wall to come together! It's still growing and looking forward to more albums and drawings going up! - Jaden Ruggiero
Posted on 09/03/2020


I'm Jessy ,I'm 8 years old, I'm French and I made the kiss characters out of cardboard during confinement.
Posted on 09/03/2020
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