submit your kiss letter

Paso Robles Ca Mid State Fair

Last night my husband and I ROCKED your show with our 3 year old son Aiden, in Paso Robles Ca.It was mine and my sons first KISS concert. thank you for an awsome night and wonderful memories.My son is a huge fan and ROCKED that show HARDER than some of the adults,he was dressed like Paul.He even had the pleasure of meeting some of the road crew. I want to say thank you to them for the kindness they showed towards him. Some of his dreams came true last night and Im looking forward to taking him to many more concerts.
Posted on 07/29/2009


Thanks for the show in Paso last night. I have seen you 3 times before starting on halloween of 96. Anyway I didnt think I would ever get to see you again after the last time. As always you guys put on a show I will never forget.

Last night was my girlfriends first time seeing you.....She was speechless after the show.
Posted on 07/29/2009


I�m sixteen years old and I was at the Bell Center concert. I just can�t explain all the feelings that I passed through that night! I was at school when I knew that Kiss would come to Montreal and I just cried, I could�nt believe it. I�ve been counting the days one by one, I dreamed about this day. Kiss changed me in many ways, Kiss is another way to live life. The show was just.. incredible. I�m out of words, I was in another world. I cried, screamed, jumped and sang every song. I�ve never felt like I felt this night, and it was in front of my heroes, in front of KISS! I respect every � step � that the band pass through, I don�t have de words to tell you how much I admire everything, the awesome music, the unique show, all those crazy KissArmy members.. I�m PROUD to be a Kiss fan. When Paul sayed : And i�ll tell you something... WE�LL BE BACK IN OCTOBER, WILL YOU COME TO SEE US?? � my world just lightened up again, happiness was�nt enough to describe what I�ve felt and what I feel right now.

All I can say is thank you, so much Kiss

See you in October, hell yeah!!

Laura Casarotti
Posted on 07/29/2009

Halloween Pic

Dear KISS,

A couple of years ago, our office dressed up!! We had such a blast. We work a the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. We walked around all day showing off our costumes that we each put together ourselves and we even did our own make up.

You guys are awesome!

Just wanted to share.

Tammy, Stacey, Susan, Dorothy

P.s. Sorry for the nun, she was praying for our souls. : )
Posted on 07/29/2009


The Mid-State Fair in Paso Robles, CA was DESTROYED last night.

It was overrun by an army.

It was taken to the extreme of what a LOUD ROCK CONCERT (or any concert for that matter) should be.

KISS was not allowed to use a lot of pyro due to the size of the venue. It did not matter and it showed, doubly, why KISS is vastly underrated when it comes to the QUALITY of their songs.

Gene was not allowed to do the 'blood' due to the family atmosphere at the fair. Did not matter and it showed that KISS is much more than a 'gimmick' band.

They hit the stage at 8:30 and left at 11:30. 3 hours of ROCK AND ROLL. Loud, in your face and most of all FUN.

KISS is a visual and sonic presence that can not be matched by any other band. Anywhere.

Sure there may be 'harder' rock music or crazier looking characters in music, BUT....What all the others LACK that KISS has the ability to turn it all into one package of greatness.

I've seen KISS open tours. I've seen KISS open for Aerosmith and blow them away, I've seen KISS on mid-tours and I've seen them now close a tour. I will tell you that in every one of my KISS experiences. I have never seen them have the 'fun' and 'purpose' that they presented last night. These guys were there to tear that place apart.

The crowd was amped. The ages of the fans ranged from young to old. I saw families coming to this show. The tradition is carrying on. The KISS ARMY is alive and well.

Fan or not you can NOT deny that KISS is a true American Icon. There is not one 'ROCK' band from this country that has been around as long or carried on a fan base that still demands to see them. 35+ years later.

The band showed last night that the new album coming out on October 6, 2009 will be worth the wait. I predict this will surpass what are considered to be their two 'best' albums Destroyer and Revenge by far.

I can safely say that this band, in its current form, are the best musical lineup this band has had since it was non-makeup with Gene-Paul-Eric-Bruce.

If you're a doubter. You will continue to doubt. Why? I have no idea. All it will take is for you to go get yourself a ticket for the fall tour. I would love to hear all you bashers on the other side of whatever show you went too....I know what I'd probably see is you, the basher, walking out of the arena sweaty-overcome from the sonic and visual assault-running to the merch booth and buying all you see. It is not something new.

KISS has always been renowned as being the top live act around. For anyone to have not seen them and still say they 'suck' tells me that their opinion is nonsense in the fullest sense of the word.

Old band- 3 chords-2 original guys-bad music-BLAH BLAH BLAH----it does not matter.....what anyone says. KISS will be there to put a proverbial middle finger to your opinions EVERY TIME. That is what I love about this band. It's the fact that no matter WHAT.....They have hung in there and battled back to be 'on top' or close to it so many times. No amount of adversity has stopped them. Ever. KISS is not about the 'people in it' anymore. It's MUCH bigger than that. It's something that will be talked about eons from now. Say what you will, but you know I'm right.

I defy anyone that was at that Paso Robles show last night to tell me this was not the best show they'd seen EVER. I heard so many people on the way out last night. All of them saying "WOW"...or "AMAZING"...or "I CAN'T HEAR A THING"....It was just out of sight how hard these guys rocked it last night.

I am safe in knowing I'll be seeing them again...However....If I was not able to ever again, I'd point to this show as what KISS concert should always be.

Jon Law Hastings
Posted on 07/29/2009

KISS Family

Hi there,

here you receive our family-halloween-postcard from 2005. We dressed up like KISS and took the photos. Finally it was a little photoshopped, too.

We've sent the postcard to our friends and families and had a great response.
Clockwise from top left: Our son Paul, me (Martin), my wife Eva and our other son Henry.

We saw you in Stuttgart, Germany in June last year and it was a great show.

Thank you
and best regards,

Martin from Germany
Posted on 07/29/2009

tour dates

Have seen you guys numerous times. Have been bringing my kids to your shows for 20 some odd years. We miss you here in Va. Beach and want to know when you'll be back. Looking forward to seeing y'all.
Posted on 07/29/2009

Thank you

I just wanted to say thank you for a most excellent performance tonight at the California Mid State Fair in Paso Robles, CA. I hope the rest of your summer is wonderful and productive. I look forward to your new album in October? I believe that is what Paul said. Thank you for helping me live a dream too.

Posted on 07/29/2009

posted on blog with errors

Hey, thats awesome that our letter was posted, it made us super happy but we noticed there seemed to be a sentence missing for some reason. Anyways thought we would let you know so you could just do a correction. This was the original letter:

We just saw KISS rock the capital here in Ottawa, Canada and it was an amazing show!! That night my 2 1/2 year old son Cooper became a Jr. KISS ARMY member and wanted to send his thanks for such a great show with this pic! He has memorized all the band member names and can sing a few lines of 'Lick it up' already. I think its time to burn down the disney room and make it a KISS room!! Thanks again guys and ROCK ON!!!

Neville Black
Posted on 07/28/2009
Tour Merch
Presale Access