submit your kiss letter

Christmas Eve 1978

My brothers and I have been kiss fans since 1977 Growing up in the San Fernando Valley in Encino,California. This is a a photo from Christmas Eve 1978 our parents let us open one present that night and it was our kiss shirts! A year later I was Gene Simmons in 1979 for Halloween. I wish I had pictures of that. Our parents got us our first concert tickets to see Kiss and Motley Crue in 1983 at the Universal Amphitheatre in Universal City California. We are still huge kiss fans today and have seen them in concert over 30 times through the years. Thank you Kiss! Jody DiVitale Carter
Posted on 10/01/2020

Halloween 1982

Saw everyone sharing and remembered I had this one...partied in true Star Child form that night. - Christopher Ferraiolo
Posted on 10/01/2020

Noblesville, IN High School kids as KISS

Dear KISS, Greetings members of KISS! My name is Logan Browning and I am from Noblesville, Indiana. My friends and I are BEYOND huge fans and we have been since birth. The photo above is from your show in Noblesville last year. We all went as a celebration for making it into senior year of high school. I am the one in ?€?The Demon?€? makeup. Anyways, I am a big fan! Thank you guys for all of the years of joy you have given me with your music, books, interviews, videos, etc. God bless you and Rock and Roll all night! Sincerely a fan, Logan Browning
Posted on 10/01/2020

The Biggest Bang , Christmas ‘75

Hey KISS , Here is a shot of me on Christmas morning 1975 !!! Early 7am & listened to ALIVE ! Until dinner time . My mom asked me if I was going to open any of my other presents 𼤣𼤣 This album started me down the path to the KISS Army !!! To this day !! ERIK ROBERSON
Posted on 10/01/2020

1979 KISS Drawing

I drew this back in 1979 and was able to have Paul Stanley and Tommy Thayer sign it back when the played at the BOK and the the next day went to visit the Hard Rock casino in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Tim Rodriguez
Posted on 10/01/2020
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