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A Rockin Halloween

hey guys i finally have my kiss costume i bought the face paint today from wal-mart. n i am goin to wear a kiss concert t-shirt with zebra skinny jeans and black bicker chick boots. wow it really is goin to be rockin halloween cuz i am gonna be the coolest dude ever for halloween u rock paul!!!!!! and so do gene, tommy, and eric keep on rockin!!!!!!
Posted on 10/25/2009

KISS Receives Keys to the City of Tampa

Dear Kissonline, My name is Santiago Corrada and I am the Neighborhood Services Administrator and work for the Mayor of Tampa, the Honorable Pam Iorio. I have been a loyal member of the Kiss Army for over thirty years, and have one of those famous Kiss rooms. This past Wednesday before the concert at the St. Pete Times Forum, I had the pleasure of presenting you and the other members of Kiss with the keys to the City of Tampa on behalf of our Mayor. Please see attached a picture from the presentation. Again, thank you for coming to Tampa and putting on the greatest show on earth. Tampa loves Kiss!!! Sincerely, Santiago C. Corrada
Posted on 10/25/2009


Hi kiss, I'm from Sweden and I love your songs!!! I wonder if you somtimes come and have a concert in Sweden,Stockholm, it should really get me HAPPY!! /// Andreas
Posted on 10/25/2009

3-Year Old KISSable Fan

I'm 36 and I've been a KISS fan for over 30 years now, but my 3-year old daughter Leah started even earlier than I. Just look at this simply KISS able shot of her. The Caetano Family, Switzerland
Posted on 10/25/2009

sonic boom

Each time I listen to Sonic boom,I like it more and more.I am glad it went to no. 2 on the charts and my local Wal-mart cannot keep the racks full.When KISS gave us a glimpse of the new song"MODERN DAY DELILAH" I could not wait for the release date of Oct.6, like all the rest of the KISS fans.Prior to the release date of the cd ,all of the other songs were leaked on the internet.I started to listen to them but after a few seconds of RUSSIAN ROULETTE, I shut it down for this reason(s).As fans of great music we are doing a disservice to ourselves, the band,and the music industry in general.Ourselves being this--before we had all this technology, does any recall the only source of info we had on a new kiss album was through magazines and the radio?Remember the build up we would get with anticipation of waiting for the new album to come out?The radio would play the new song for weeks while announcing the release date?Remember standing outside the record store waiting for the doors to open or waiting for the 3:30 school bell to ring and the long bus ride home and then pleading with your parents to get you to the store only to have them tell you to wait after supper?Finally, the moment arrived where you gladly handed over your meagerly hard earned allowance to get your new "LOVE GUN" album,then having to wait til your 10 to 15 minute ride home (which seemed about as long as the school day) was over.Your time had arrived when the opening chords of "I STOLE YOUR LOVE" blared through your $25.00 record player sounding muffled and distorted when you had the volume cranked up to 10,but you didn't care ,it sounded good, it was rock n roll, it was KISS!What I am trying to invoke upon all those who downloaded the cd before it's release date is the your killing the excitement of the spirit of keeping things alive and destroying memories of things to come.KISS or any other business cannot or will not put out any product if people keep doing things they know they should not be doing.You are killing capitalism and robbing people of money that they deserve.It simply cannot work.They provide the service, you pay for the product.Do the people who downloaded the album understand that they have possibly stolen KISS' chance of hitting the no.1 slot?I agree with Paul and Gene, this is the best KISS album since LOVE GUN.This is KISS.Tommy and Eric are KISS.They proved that by their loyalty over the past few years and their contribution to this cd.The stage show is far better than any kiss show I have seen before.I finally got what I have wanted for almost 30 years.A true KISS experience! the anticipation of waiting AND purchasing a great KISS cd and listening to it to rev me up for a great show as well.This is the KISS I have been waiting for.Quite simply if the former members can't put out, I want someone who will. Tommy and Eric do that and Tommy and Eric are now KISS! THEY PROVEN THEMSELVES ON THIS CD AND TOUR! Now for those who didn't purchase the cd if you want more great KISS music in the future,support capitalism and buy SONIC BOOM!!!!!!!!!
Posted on 10/25/2009


Awesome Show in Birmingham last night guys!!!! We went all out because we knew that you were going to!!!!!!! It was my twin 7 yr old daughters first KISS concert, my 16 yr old son's second, I introduced my wife to KISS 11 years ago, and I've been a fan for over thirty yrs!!! WE LOVE YOU, - Hawkins family.
Posted on 10/25/2009

Check out this SONIC BOOM review!

In my HALLOWEEN JAMBOREE story of cool new music to listen to this Halloween, I wrote a review of the new SONIC BOOM release as well as some other interesting creepy cool releases to haunt your spirits this season. I posted a copy of it on a new pop culture blog. Here's a link. I'b be proud beyond words if you guys could post it on Thanks, Rod
Posted on 10/25/2009

Renaissance Festival

Hey KISS, I'm Baileigh and I am 12 years old, from Texas. I went to the Texas Renaissance Festival and had a blast! I know it's all Medival themed,but they had ALOT of face painting stands so..... I found someone that would do Peter Criss makeup! I was so happy, he was a KISS know it all like me!!! The whole time he did my makeup we both talked about KISS. It was so cool! Anyways I had such a great time. Thanks KISS so much for inspiring me. I love you!!! Love, Baileigh P.S. I cannot wait to see you in december, keep on rockin'!!!
Posted on 10/25/2009
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