submit your kiss letter

Follow Up - We're Going to Vegas Baby - KISS M&G

Dear KISS, This is a follow-up to my first letter titled, "We're Going to Vegas Baby!" Just to re-cap: My boyfriend and I saw you guys in October (Long Island/NY) and we decided to see you again in LV. This was our pre-birthday presents (hitting that "milestone" birthday). We thought about a cruise but with my work schedule and unwillingness to fly (it had been 12 years since I was on a plane), the options were slim. With the incentive of meeting you in 'Sin City' (what better place), along with the wonders of modern medicine, we boarded the plane on November 27 en route to Vegas! On Saturday, November 28, we met a few other fans while waiting to meet you guys at The Pearl; consequently, we've exchanged emails and have kept in touch. We were promised "a solid 20 minutes" at the M&G with you guys; however, we were the second group to go in and were rushed. Knowing you guys were going on-stage soon, it was understandable as to why it happened; nonetheless, we still would have liked a little more time. Overall, the experience was amazing and you guys are really true to your fans. I remember first shaking Tommy's hand and greeting him; I told him we flew from New York and he commented, "Oh Gene's from NY" with a warm smile. Paul also shook my hand and greeted with a big smile. Then I remember you saying, "Hey come over here sweetheart," realizing it was you and not my boyfriend, and thinking, "HEY -YEAH!" (LOL) We took our picture before I met Gene...and maybe it was a good thing because at that point I was starting to get what my friend described as as "Ralphie Syndrome" - the sudden feeling of awe and nervousness like Ralphie had when he met Santa Claus (from the movie "A Christmas Story"). Gene was very gracious as well, especially when he saw my daughter's card (she made a card for each of you and you all graciously signed her copies). I saw Gene's eyes tracking the inside of the card and he responded, "This is great; this is really great," and asked about her. Ironically, when I was about 5 years old, the man freaked me out with the whole "demon persona" and blood; I thought I got over that, however, seeing him towering over me like Godzilla made me feel like I was five again. All I could do was smile and stare. My goal that night, aside from having a rock'n time, was making sure that each of you received the cards from my daughter and signed her copies. I have to say one thing: my daughter has been smiling from ear-to-ear since the morning I spoke to her en route to the airport to go home and had told her that you guys signed her cards. THAT makes me happier than anything else. Thank you for the experience, your music and your dedication to your fans! An equally sincere "thank you" for that phenomenal moment at The Pearl; it is truly something that I treasure! Have a great holiday season and New Year! Your Fan, Josette Noto P.S. - Please consider coming to Jones Beach in the summer; I would love to give my children the experience I had.
Posted on 12/08/2009

Your the best band in the world

Dear KISS, I'm a 16 year old kid thats a huge huge fan the last time i saw you perform was mtv's unplugged and the psycho circus tour i would love to see you guys here in New Jersey I grew up listening to your music since i was 3 1/2 and if you can right me back my email address is [email protected] thnx KISS is forever
Posted on 12/08/2009

KISS in dallas!

dear kiss, thank you for the awesome show in dallas! it was my 5th time seeing you guys and i loved it! i def. want you to come back again. ive had a very bad year, i lost my dad to lung cancer, and im experiencing my first holidays with out him, seeing you guys, made my christmas! when i yelled out, "we love kiss!", paul stanley said, "we love you, too!" so even though i didnt get to meet you, that made my night. i cant always afford all the kiss stuff, but i do try to see ya when your in town. ill never have another fav band, like kiss, cause you are truly about the fans. i hope to see ya soon, your fan since '96, madmike, oh and p.s. merry kissmas, to you and the rest of the kiss army! i love it loud!
Posted on 12/08/2009

KISS rocked dallas

Dear Kiss, On Sunday night I had one of the best nights of my life. My dad took me to see you in Dallas for my haunaka present. He also wanted to take me because when he was my age he saw you here too. He said you guys were amazing!!!! Thank you very much
Posted on 12/08/2009

KISS works at Wal-Mart

Hey KISS I wanted to send along a video of you guys "working" at Wal-Mart Kevin Ganley
Posted on 12/08/2009

Long Time Fan!

Kiss! I guess you could say I'm a natural born KISS fan! My parents were such fans that I was given the name "Beth" without hesitation. I grew up listening to your music and now that I have a little one of my own, I hope to raise him to know how great you all are also. I've always wanted to see you live, but have never gotten the opportunity. If you are ever in the Lafayette, Louisiana area again I will be the first one in line to purchase a ticket! love always, Beth
Posted on 12/08/2009

Guitar smashing...

I've been a fan of KISS since I was old enough to understand what music was. My parents were big fans back in their day. They took me to see you for my birthday at the Toyota Center in Houston three nights ago. HAPPY early birthday to me; it was phenomenal! By far the best show I've ever been to. I loved every bit... but Paul's guitar smashing made me a little sad inside. It's not that it wasn't bad ass, because it totally was. The thing is, it happens at pretty much every show, which means he has to own like a million of them. For my 13th birthday, my parents bought me a very CHEAP electric guitar from Walmart. Which is fine, I make it work. But I've been jamming that same piece for the past 7 years. I'd give anything to be able to throw some money into something better. I'm your clich�, monetarily challenged college kid trying to get by haha. Not trying to sound pathetic, I'm just putting it out there. So Paul, if you ever want to get rid of a guitar without the smashing bit, there's a 19 year-old girl from Texas that would gladly accept one (intact) and cherish it forever. P.S. I'll be 20 in 4 days so it could be a Happy Birthday/Merry Christmas present... and No, I'm not crazy enough to believe this letter will actually work, but I figured it was worth a shot. Haha Love you guys and all that you do! -Andrea
Posted on 12/08/2009

a mexico tour

Hi Kiss. First of all I have to say that you are the greatest band in the world and that I really like your music and I want to here you live! When are you coming to Mexico agin? I will be wating for your answer. Daniel
Posted on 12/08/2009

Young God of Thunder

This 4 year old (John Anthony) is the Dr of Love incarnate... He lives, eats and breaths Kiss. John rocks as Gene Simmons everywhere he goes. John would not be caught dead without his makeup and will spontaneously breaks out into "You want the best, you got the best..Kiss!
Posted on 12/08/2009

jimmy kimmel video taping@cobo detroit

I won wrist bands from the Riff and went to your video shoot for the kimmel show . You guys shot it then kicked out 5 or 6 tunes for your dress rehersal. Only 200 or so were able to witness it and I was one of them! A night I will never forget. Thanks,the next night @ Cobo was awesome! Kiss is truly the best
Posted on 12/08/2009
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