submit your kiss letter

KISS is everywhere

Hello KISS, Here's an add that's currently running on Flemish TV: The add is for a Valentine's action from a Flemisch cellphone provider. It features KISS' hitsingle "I Was Made For Lovin' You". Greetings, Maarten Bijnens, Zutendaal, Belgium
Posted on 02/11/2010

theatre pictures

Dear Kiss, I am a member of the University of Nebraska at Omaha theatre department. One of our classes is stage makeup. Three of my friends and I decided to be you guys for one of our projects. Thought you might like to see one of the pictures. Go figure, I blinked but it's still cool. Polly P.S. My favorite song of your is Beth. My brother and I used to sing it together when I was growing up.He died in a car accident six years ago. Your song will always remind me of him and for that I want to thank you. It is a beautiful song and it moves me every time.
Posted on 02/11/2010

KISS is everywhere

found this add for the swiss music awards 2010 which looks very "kissy" to me.... see also greetings from switzerland... Hanspeter
Posted on 02/11/2010

KISS Fever

Hello KISS, the KISS Fever has now begun!! Here ist a Picture from my 5 Years old Son. We cant wait to see you in Oberhausen!!!
Posted on 02/11/2010

KISSES To The Love Of My Life

With Valentine's Day being near, I wanted to do something a little different for the love of my life. Bob is a huge fan of KISS and it is just one of the many things I love about him! I made this picture and wanted to share it. Bob always knows how to make me smile and I hope this will bring a smile to his face. Honestly, because of his love for KISS he has made me a fan too. Bob is the best and I love him with all my heart!
Posted on 02/10/2010


I would just like to say that KISS is he best thing that has happened to me so far and i have been a fan since i was 3 (i am 12 now). I will see KISS in may and i cannot wait. Obviously it will be my 13th birthday and i am so fortunate to be spending it watchin the Sonic Boom tour!! Keep Rockin' And Do Not Let Me Down :D Love You Guys Forever! Mollie (One of your biggest fans) x
Posted on 02/10/2010

Valentines Day Card Check out this online Valentines Day card that I found. Best wishes, Sten PS. Come to Estonia. Seriously.
Posted on 02/10/2010


I want to take the time to let you know how much I enjoyed the Pittsburgh Show. It was GREAT AS ALWAYS!!! My brother got to see KISS for the first time live. It was his Christmas gift from me to him. We were in the 3rd row right in front of your mic. I was able to catch one of your picks. It will be in my collection until I�m gone. I also want you to know I have been a KISS fan since the beginning. I first saw KISS in concert in 1975 in Pittsburg. I play the Bass guitar because of your influence on me when I was learning to play the guitar. Sonic Boom is a great album!!! KISS also SHOULD BE IN THE ROCK �N� ROLL HALL OF FAME!!!! The voters need to wake up and put rock bands in the hall that deserve to be there!! I also want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!!! Enjoy the holidays!!!! Thank You, Carl R Butcher
Posted on 02/10/2010


Attached is a picture drawn by my then 3 year old daughter Taylor that has been hanging on my fridge since November. "It's a picture of Gene Simmons that I'm going to give to him" she told me. I decided to see if there was a way to send it to you and here I landed. She became your biggest fan all on her own. It all started just before Halloween when she saw a KISS video. She immediately wanted to be Catman for Halloween and was. The very next day she wanted to be Gene Simmons and has already bought the make-up for next Halloween. It's been Gene ever since. EVERY day when we get in the car she wants to hear the KISS cd. At home, she wants to watch the KISS dvd or sing KISS karaoke. She studies your actions and then acts them out. Her favorite is when you do "sticky wicky" (spit blood). Her favorite gifts from her 4th birthday a few weeks ago are her KISS poster and KISS calendar, favorite Christmas gift was her KISS shirt. It's totally unbelievable how many KISS songs she knows the words to. My husband and I do like KISS, but I can not explain how she became so infatuated by you and by KISS. I just wanted to let you know that it seems the KISS Army will remain strong for many, many more years. She wants to see you play live so bad, so hopefully you will be touring back on the East Coast someday soon! Until then, know that there's a Huge Little KISS fan thinking of you! Taylor's Mom Cathy
Posted on 02/10/2010
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