submit your kiss letter


This picture is painted by my Father! KISS, we love you!!! St. Petersburg, Russia.
Posted on 02/22/2010


Hi Gene, My name is Benny, play bass and from Vienna (Austria).Sorry, my english is bad. Attached, you find a photo of my race leather jacket. Vienna opens shortly Madam Tussauds. Gene as wax figures in Vienna? See you soon Benny
Posted on 02/22/2010

Thank You

As a 44 year old rock musician who shout it out loud in Turkish rock arena, after watching your show on tv tonight, I decided to write to you. ('You' is for 'Kiss' here..) You are not my idol actually, but you were a surprise gift for me: A rock'n roll mythology. I was one of those Kiss fans but in a very different way, just because I was in Turkey, where was too far from rock'n roll mainstream at that time. Just like poets, painters or scientists writing appreciation letters to their masters after years; please accept this message something like that, even if it looks a bit funny in our case: You're a businessman more than an artist now, and we have no mutual ideals, ideas, thoughts or doctrins which I can write to exalt. On the road, my first 5 or 6 years passed as a Kiss Fan, later Led Zeppelin, King Crimson etc came to front, then Bach, and naturally my music. (So, this is not a fan letter; please do not put it on a web page or something.) Probably in deep of you, you don't take Kiss that seriously too. Creating a story of success in American dream must be fair enough. Maybe that wasn't the way to sing about gods who mount on Olympus. (Let's say that God Gave Rock'n Roll To You and Psycho Circus were exceptional as philosophic expression.) But: It's not really possible to write or even understand for me, but the thing you gave me in my teen ages, was larger than life. That was like a punch, a seal, a stigma. To see a Kiss logo in any detail of daily life, is still an impression, just like to see the house you were born. You were the most colourful dream of my teenages, but now I understand that wasn't just a dream. For a newborn rock musician, that was 'home'. I don't know what is it which you gave to me, but I'm grateful for that. Can Girginko�
Posted on 02/22/2010

Any plans in India ?

KISS !!!! My name is Shashank. I am from India and I am writing this letter to tell you how big a fan I am. Though the following is small, it is sincere and to the core here. I listen to you everyday. When get whacked up or feel down, it's "Detroit Rock City". When I am high and feel good, it's Crazy nights. There are a million emotions connected in each and every song. You guys rock and seeing you in the flesh would be one thing I wanto to do, in this life. If you guys have any plans at all in coming to India I would be delighted to know ? If there is no schedule, make one. If not for you, for us. :). Love you all, especially you Paul. Cheers, Shashank.
Posted on 02/22/2010

TV Appearance

Loved you on Extreme Make-over Home Edition. Think it's great what you did for that family and the school My family has been fans for a long time and my three young boys, ages 7, 5 and 5, were talking about 'trashing the house' so that we could go on Extreme Make-over and meet KISS too. You guys always were and always will be our favorites!
Posted on 02/21/2010

Extreme Home Makeover

I just saw the Extreme Home Make over show, and what a fabulous way to show the rest of the world what we the Army already knew, KISS is awesome and give back in so many ways to fans and to good people in need. Music is so important and KISS' support to that family and thier work bringing music to the community will be another small part in the KISS legacy.Thumbs up Gene, Paul,Tommy, and Eric ! Way to show'em what your really made of "love".
Posted on 02/21/2010


I just watched Extreme Makerover and words can not express what you guys did for that family. The one thing that touched my heart was when you guys picked up the kids so the parents could go meet the other music teacher. That will probably be the most memorable experiance those kids will have the rest of thier lives. Music is the true power that pulls us all together and for what that family does for thier community and for what you guys do for the world, I salute you!!!!!
Posted on 02/21/2010


Hey guys. I just wanted to say how much I love you guys. You are truly about your fans and tonight's episode of Extreme Makeover shows that. One day I hope to meet you myself but until then I will continue to enjoy what you do for me and the rest if the KISS Army. You guys truly ROCK! Bill Tait
Posted on 02/21/2010

Rock and Roll

Thanks for creating the best rock and roll in the world. I will continue to complete by quest of owning every single KISS album possible on vinyl. Thanks for all the hard work and I can't wait for Tuesday's announcement.
Posted on 02/21/2010
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