submit your kiss letter


Hey kiss, im 14, and im to young to enter your competion for the scooter, but i wrote one anyway, and it has to many words, but here it is! One day, far far away in a place no human has stepped foot in, the land of rock, there lived epic bands, deemed to awesome to be classed as humans, and are now Gods, the gods of these gods where even more epic, strong and heroic They went by the name off KISS, nobody had ever seen the mighty bands face Until one day, there arch enemy SNOG stole the bands Transportation device the KISS Scooter, the band kiss sent there faithful fan Frazer to hunt down the evil SNOG, armed only with his bass guitar, he shall slay the mighty demon, as he approached the Temple of SNOG, there approached his evil and musically talentless Ally, EMO ROCK , Frazer Soon settled this by playing a bass solo Gene had developed himself, then KISS themselves appeared telling Frazer 'You have done a mighty fine thing here' Then KISS walked into the chapel, Frazer stood outside as he heard Screams ccomingfrom SNOG 'HELP ME, THEY ROCK TO MUCH!' and KISS road off in there Legendary Scooter... THE END Hope you enjoy it! Bye!
Posted on 04/14/2010

Detroit Rock City

Hey guys, my name is Daniel, im 12 years old and I live in Detroit Michigan. Im your number one fan here in Michigan. All the kids in my grade are into rap and all that bullshit with people that cant put on a kickass show. On the other hand, i had the privilege to see you guys play the last concert at Cobo Arena, and it was absolutely KICK ASS. I'm Tommy's number one fan, and he does a hell of a job with Shock Me and When Lightning Strikes. You guys HAVE to come show Michigan who the hottest band is. I fight for you guys every day at school. When someone pulls the KISS sucks, and the Why do you like them bullshit, i hand it to them hard. They usually shut up afterwards, but some still pick on me over it. So get back to Detroit and play the Joe Louis Arena, the Palace of Auburn Hills, or even go back to Cobo. I can honestly say I am a soldier in the KISS Army, since I actually fight for you guys. Thanks for all of the inspiration you have given me to pursue my goals. Youre were, are still, and always will be the best rock icons in the world. Once again, thank you. - Daniel
Posted on 04/13/2010

My Grandson

Just A small Note. My grandson Just Like His Grandad Mad On The Hottest Band In The World. See You All In May
Posted on 04/13/2010


Hey KISS, At our high school in Spring Hill, KS, we make READ posters starring our own teachers. Here's one we made with me as the Demon, another social studies teacher as the Catman, our secretary as the Space Ace, and our principal as the Star Child! We're now "The Hottest School in the World!" Rock N Read!
Posted on 04/13/2010

Paul Stanley Washburn arrived!

My Limited Edition PAUL STANLEY PS1900 CRACKED MIRROR Guitar from Boogie Street Guitars arrived today! This thing is SWEEET! We're looking forward to your return to the United States.
Posted on 04/13/2010

KISS tattoo

Hello fellow members of the KISS Army! I just wanted to share a picture of my KISS tattoo that I had Ace sign. I have had the tattoo for the last 4 years and on Nov. 5th 2009 I had the pleasure of (finally) meeting Ace Frehley. He would only sign one thing, so I had him sign my KISS tattoo. I told him I was going to get it inked the next day, so he took his time and did a very nice signature for me. He said "Is that big enough for ya?!" in that wacky voice we all know so well. I met someone from KISSonline at the Alive 35 show in Council Bluffs, IA (Dec '09) who suggested I send in a picture, so here it is. Now I just need the rest.......
Posted on 04/12/2010

KISSCelebracion a 1 año de el concierto de KISS en Venezuela

A un año de la venida de la Banda Kiss a Venezuela, este S�bado 17 de abril estaremos celebrando ese m�gico momento que miles de personas vivimos, un sueño hecho realidad. Recordaremos los momentos desde la fila para la entrada, hasta que salimos sin palabras de la Rinconada. Realizaremos rifas,escucharemos su m�sica, proyectaremos sus videos,tendremos muchas sorpresas esa noche especial para revivir y celebrar una experiencia �nica. Te esperamos este s�bado 17 de abril en Parque Central, Edificio San Martin, Nivel Bol�var. MamaJuana Bar Link del evento:!/event.php?eid=115967805086952&ref=nf
Posted on 04/12/2010

KISS is everywhere

HI KISS Army, I found this cool KISS Shirt for my Daughter in one of the biggest clothing stores (H&M) in Europe. Olaf
Posted on 04/12/2010
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