submit your kiss letter

Sheffield Blown Apart

Just like to say Ive been a Kiss fan for nearly 20 years and the gig at sheffield was my fifth or sixth time of seeing them, This was the first time of the Eric and Tommy line up, Ive never seen anything like it in all of my life, Best line up, best show, best everything, Still speechless, Roll on Birmingham And Manchester. Richard Corry
Posted on 05/03/2010

Thank You.

I just wanted to say thank you for the amazing concert you put on in nashville, last october. I know Gene has done a lot for the troops and I am a disabled veteran (Army). I just wanted to say thank you for supporting the troops. I wish I could continue to fight for this country, but I physically cannot. You guys are an inspiration to everyone! Garrett P.S. I tried including a picture of my son drinking from a KISS cup. but it will not upload. I think he has more Kiss outfits than me...which is a lot.
Posted on 05/03/2010

KISS and My Son Luca

Dear Kiss: I've been a fan for 30 plus years and I have a 2 1/2 year old son named Luca who is on the Autism Spectrum. When we are driving in our car at times he requests a specific song to soothe him. Most children have children's songs however in Luca's case it's Calling Dr. Love and requests it by name. When the song ends he then requests either Shout It Out Loud or Firehouse. Even when he's at school or receiving Physical Therapy he'll start singing Calling Dr. Love. Luca's also quite fascinated with Gene. I just thought I would drop this note and say thanks for helping my little boy and making him happy. I will try to send a photo next time. Good Luck with the tour! Charlie
Posted on 05/03/2010

The greatest night of my life

Just wanted to say thank you a million times over for the best night I've ever had last night in Newcastle. It was soooo worth the wait of 21 years - I cried tears of happiness and my ears are still ringing with the sound of the greatest songs ever! Please come back again soon I'd give anything to see you again! Even my other half who I dragged along was wanting to see you again. Now he believes what I have believed all my life - we wanted the best & we damn sure got the best!! xxxx
Posted on 05/03/2010


Thanks so much kiss for making me my mam and dads have the best night ever so unreal big kiss fan luv you thanks so much hope you come back to newcastle xxx
Posted on 05/03/2010

Josh meets the KISS army!

Thanks KISS for making memories! This is a photo of my nephew Josh, turning 5 this month and seeing his first show in Newcastle (02.05.2010). Loved every minute... He now wants to know when your gonna be back so he can do it all over again? Thanks again for the great night. Jonathan
Posted on 05/03/2010

Sheffield Arena

I waited my whole life to see KISS, and on 1st May in Sheffield my dream came true. You guys are my heroes, and you exceeded my expectations, you were absolutely amazing! When the curtain came down, that was the best feeling in the world. The effects, fireworks etc were spot on, especially Tommy's rockets! The setlist was perfect, especially with the inclusion of 'Let Me Go Rock and Roll', and the show BLEW ME AWAY! What made the gig the stuff of dreams was I was RIGHT AT THE FRONT, leaning on the barriers, on Gene's side, and he pointed at me. It really made my night when he did, knowing I was so close to my heroes. I need to see you guys again, the show was unbelieveable, I am lost for words on how to describe it. It'd make my day again if you published this on the website! KISS YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!! From one of your biggest fans, Bret Hughes
Posted on 05/03/2010


Hey all I'm really looking forward to the Birmingham show I have never been to a concert before and have been fortunate that my first concert will be the MOST legendary Rock group of all time I'm so excited. Looking forward to seeing you all. Louise Danks xxxxx
Posted on 05/03/2010

Australia Tour?

Dear Gene, Paul, Tommy and Eric. An Australian tour from you guys whould be epic. I know you came out to Australia a few years ago but i couldn't attend. You guys coming out here would not only mean alot me, a 14 year old boy, but to many other Australian Kiss fans. Please have a long think and see if you will do a Sonic Boom tour over Australia. From Alec in Australia!
Posted on 05/03/2010
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