submit your kiss letter

sonic boom

hello Paul, great job with the new kiss album, much better than the production for psycho circus. The song writing didn't feel as controlled, it sounded like there was more freedom to incorporate some of the older, more classic rock 'n roll styles that you and Gene used in the mid to early 70's, which i always thought was a good part of your sound. Kiss wouldn't be the same without songs like "nothin' to lose" and even "let me know (sunday driver." Those rhythm styles may seem dated to many out there, but look at the many bands that have come out in the last 10 years that incorporate that classic sound in a retro way. That's what made kiss fun back then, the differences in your albums like say, "dressed to kill, "destroyer" and then "rock and roll over," new sounds and rock styles being experimented with, but still returning to the "rock and roll" style also. Heavy Metal can become boring, but rock (rock and roll" doesn't. Gene's singing sounded less gravely.. his singing sounded closer to the voice he used on your first and second album, which I found interesting. I have a lot more to say, but simply stated; great job Paul for a great Kiss album. Jim
Posted on 07/07/2010

KISS fan in waiting

Dear KISS: My name is Maclain Kyle Williams and my Grandpa is the biggest KISS fan I know. My Grandma has seen you, my Uncle has seen you, and my Dad has seen you. So please wait for me, I will be along shortly. KISS FOREVER: Little Mac
Posted on 07/06/2010

Armed Forces

KISS and Crew - I must, again, thank you for all your support to our Armed Forces. This has not been my first thanks on the subject and am quite sure it will not be the last. The donation(s) made to our "Wounded Warrior" Program from your upcoming tour will assist our troops in so many ways - in a program that many have never heard of. When artists want to "boycott" companies or donate to the "Flavor of the Month" - your dollar per ticket ratio is the highest I have ever seen, and all going to "America's" finest. KISS still leading the way in support of our military. Thanks again -
Posted on 07/06/2010

Please Play

To KISS, My friend and I are from Montreal but we are going to the Boston show. I hope you can play ALL FOR THE GLORY and CRAZY NIGHTS. I would love to hear and see those songs live. From, Brad Liverman
Posted on 07/06/2010


Dear Paul,Tommy,Eric and Gene, I really hope you get the chance to read this. I will finally be meeting you September 24th in Phoenix,but in the mean time, please know that Sonic Boom is amazing. I so the inspiration it has and continues to give me with my three classic favorites: Never Enough, Stand,All For The Glory. They have been played every day as I put together two projects for my police dept which turned out amazing and I felt each of you with me through the music. LOVE YOU AND SEE YOU SOON! Karen, Centralia, Washington
Posted on 07/06/2010

I just wanna...

...say two simple words: Thank you! With the Alive 35 tour you made a 19 year old girl's biggest dream come true. With the Sonic Boom tour you did more than that. On 28 May I finally got to hear my hometown's name during the intro and with the show you put on that night you seriously blew my mind. Meeting you backstage was an other surreal experience that I'll never ever forget. Thank God I'm a crazy, crazy fan who decided to travel to Spain alone to see you again for the 4th and 5th time in Madrid and Barcelona. I cannot describe with words how glad I am to have been a part of those two shows. I won't go into details, because I could ramble about it for long pages, but I have to say a big THANK YOU again for playing Shandi in Barcelona. You don't know how much that song means to me. Paul, what can I say...I was seventeen, you were just a dream. Seeing you perform live is an amazing gift from life for what I cannot be more thankful. I adore you and you will always be THE inspiration and my idol as a musician/performer/person. I just hope that life will give me the opportunity to see you again soon, till then take care and make the people in America as happy and satisfied as you made us! :) KISSes, Edina from Budapest, Hungary P.S. Here's an interview with Eric, Gene and Tommy in Budapest and also some footage from the show. Enjoy!
Posted on 07/06/2010

I am such a big fan of KISS!!

you guys rock!! =) and why i love your band so much is that it makes me happy and my favorite songs are god of thunder, rock'n roll all night and party every day, psycho circus, & hotter than hell and these songs make me happy when ever i have a bad day and but most of all i like all of your songs but they make me happy. But why im a such a big fan is that i have like all of your albums and you rock!! keep up the good work =)
Posted on 07/06/2010

WWE Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes

I recently had the opportunity to meet WWE Legend & Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes at a meet & greet event. Dusty was so impressed and asked some guy who wanted 30 some odd things signed to hurry up, �Can�t you see KISS is in line.� We talked for quite a while and he�s a fan too!
Posted on 07/06/2010

Thanks KISS For Helping Me In Victory!

Many people are surprised to learn that I am both an attorney and a huge KISS fan. KISS has played a major part in my journey in the legal field-- KISS music played as I studied for the bar and plays to this day as I write various legal briefs. KISS also played a major role in my recently winning a huge case at trial for my client. Every morning in preparation for work on the "battlefield," I would listen to "I" and "War Machine." These songs have always been highly motivational for me and they helped me daily get into the right state of mind for my trial. Trial work is stressful enough in and of itself and KISS music helped relieve some of that stress, motivated me and kept me focused. It paid off in the end as after a two week trial, I secured a complete defense verdict on a high exposure case for my client. Thanks again KISS for the assist and please come back to Fresno! Matthew Farmer Fresno, California P.S.-- Picture is of Gene, myself and my family from the Fresno show this past November!
Posted on 07/06/2010


Hi Kiss I send you this video of the Catalan TV3 television that includes a interviews on the show in Barcelona (Spain). Thanks for your shows in Spain. Jes�s Valverde (KISS FOREVER SPAIN / KISS ARMY SPAIN)
Posted on 07/06/2010
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