submit your kiss letter


Fellows looking forward to seeing you in Raleigh again. My daughter and I love you guys. You rock the kind of music that never dies, I see that other groups are on tour but showing their age, birds, bands that need passports etc. But for true KISS Army members, one since 78' there never has been nor will there ever be a band like your. We love you we wanted to sit close, but i am disabled so it's grass passes again. That's ok just knowing we were near "LIVING LEGENDS" will be enough for us. Bless all four of you and please keep rocking. Mack From NC
Posted on 07/15/2010

my dad has met you

dear kiss hi my name is emma and i am 13 years old. i am from australia and absolutely love you. you are the greatest band in the universe. i have been to all your tours since i've been alive. i even went to one when my mum was pregnant with me. i also went to paul's live to win concert at the enmore theatre in sydney. i have posters, t-shirts and books of you. my dad has loved you for like ever and so have i. we have all your cd's and dvd's as well. my dad and his mate peter met paul, gene, bruce and eric in 1995 on a plane from melboune to sydney. he also met eric at the eddendale hotel in sydney a couple of years ago and we got an autographed picture. it was a funny story actually. dad and mum were lining up for a autograph and eric saw dad and said 'don't i no you'. so dad had a chat and got a photo. i hope you come to australia soon on the sonic boom tour and i hope to meet you. you are my rolemodels and hero's as i am a guitarist myself. i hope you can give me a couple of tips. just email me. love always emma of bathurst, australia. xoxo number 1 fan
Posted on 07/15/2010

Just a lttle somrthin

Hey guys, i wrote to you last year about one of your concerts i attended in nashville, and i swear it rocked my world, i will be bored at every other concert. i wish i could go to one of your new hottest show on earth's tours, but i just don't think it will happen this year with the economy and all. anyways i am about to turn 16 and i have been i die hard KISS fan for a while now. my room is decorated with records and posters and all. but one thing i really wanted to tell you about is i went to the KISS coffeehouse in myrtle beach this year, and i swear that just made my fandom grow! anything i see KISS these days i have to have. And also, even though i don't know you guys personally, i like to think that yall have helped me to be my own person in a way, and i thank you for that. Eric, you rock those drums! Tommy, you wail on that guitar! Gene, you are an inspiration to me in so many ways, and even though you don't know that, i thank you deepy. And Paul, i honestly can say i wouldn't be where i am today without you. my goal in life is to meet the band, but if not them, at least you, you have inspired me to learn how to play guitar, possibly start a band, and made me consider so many other options in my life. And to all of you, you're music and persona's have created a flame in me that will never stop burning. You have made me not afraid to be myself, and to put everything into life, then take all you can out of it, and i live by that each day. i wish i could write more. i have so much more to say, but can't find the right words to say it. I will leave you with this though, i do not have a fatal disease, i wont die in a year, and i don't have too difficult of a life, I am only a teenage girl trying to make her goal in life of meeting the hottest band in the world, KISS!
Posted on 07/14/2010

KISS in my mind!

Paul, Gene, Tommy, and Eric I have been a KISS fan for 2 years and so far have collected everything KISS! From shoes to records all i need is to see KISS live but have not been able to since KISS has never been in Idaho for more than 10 years. I hope 1 day soon KISS will come to my area! Thanks! Ramiro Vargas
Posted on 07/14/2010

favorite band

My dad is typing this again because he erased my last letter (by accident sorry). You are my favorite band. I am 8 years old and have seen you 3 times once in my mommys belly and 2 times for real. Once in louisville where i live we all dressed up like dressed to kill. The other time was in indianapolis where we camped out and saw you outside. It rained at the end and i got make up in my eyes. My favorite song is Shout It Out Loud and my favorite band member is Paul. I want to see you this year if my daddy get tickets.
Posted on 07/14/2010


The kiss is very important to me because in the world I live there are many songs that did not please me. I thank the kiss that I do a lot of tastes, music for all time if you're happy, the kiss is music for that moment. If you're sad, kiss also has the music for that moment. Kiss Thanks for being part of my life ..... Carlos Marochio Cuiaba .... .... Brazil...
Posted on 07/14/2010

rock on!

I'm from Italy! last year, for one time.. I was a Kiss... with my band! :) rock on guys!!
Posted on 07/14/2010


Well,soccer Holland VS Spain ,last days we loose from Spain. But still we made a big, big happy party! so there i was look like kiss but in the colors of our country. Greetz T.
Posted on 07/14/2010

love you all

Hey! so...i havent really been a KISS fan all that long, but i am a huge fan of your song Beth. And others, but that one's my favorite. also i'm a huge fan of Gene! Gene, i watch your show all the time and have fallen in love with you and your family. your all so funny and should be glad for one another. i just cant imagine having camera's following you around everywhere...but i love how after your plastic surgery with Shannon, when Sophie got upset seeing you, you made the camera crew leave you and her alone! that was so sweet. it just proves your a definate family man. which is nice! so i just wanted to tell you how big a fan i am!
Posted on 07/13/2010
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