submit your kiss letter

4 year old KISS Fan

My four year old is a huge Kiss fan and budding musician. He was Gene for Halloween last year and this year he chose to be Paul...we are pretty sure next year he will be adding some silver to that makeup and maybe some wiskers for the following year! Keep Rockin! Joey & the rest of the Rippo's love yah!
Posted on 11/03/2010

Princeton Princesses Dressed Up as KISS

I am a parent of a Princeton Princess (the one dressed as Gene) and the 4 girls of the Princeton Royalty decided to dress up as KISS for the Anoka Parade. They won 3rd Place for their float in the Parade. They had an awesome time and just thought I'd share this photo!
Posted on 11/03/2010


Hi, Last weekend we celebrate halloween in Monterrey, Mexico, me and my friends dressed like Kiss and we was the best of the party... lol Greettings from Mexico.
Posted on 11/02/2010

Halloween Costume!

Hi Kiss Army and Gene! This is me as Gene on Halloween. (Thanks Teddy for helping me!) :-) It is 100% homemade. It was so much fun being Gene that I think I am wearing it again next year. :-) Melody from Puerto Rico
Posted on 11/02/2010

Halloween Dr. Love

Dear Kiss, I am Kaitlan Lane and I'm 19 years old. I have dressed up every halloween since I was in preschool as Gene Simmons. I've been a HUGE fan since birth. I LOVE KISS!!!!!!!! Cant wait to see you again in concert!!!
Posted on 11/02/2010

KISS fans from Serbia

Dear Gine, Paul, Eric and Tommy. Me and my brother Vuk are very, very big KISS fans, here in Serbia, and we really hope to see you soon in Belgrade. There are many KISS fans here and some of them went to Bulgaria to see your concert on 16.5.2008. Also there was a KISS show in Belgrade in 1997. But there are many who weren't on that Bulgarian show and also there are many young fans of KISS. They never seen you before and i'm sure that they will give their lifes to see just one KISS show. We are all wating for you one day in Belgrade and we all hope that our dreams will come true very soon. Soory for my bad english.
Posted on 11/02/2010
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