submit your kiss letter

Thanks So Much !

My names Julia and I have been a KISS fan ever since I was 7 years old . Im 13 now and with your guys music in my life it makes everyday a little easier . When I saw you guys at Blossom Music Center it was my 2nd time seeing you guys I entered through the gates as my heart was beating faster than it has ever beated and I had a huge grin on my face ! When I saw you guys come out on stage I said to my self let the show begin ! I couldn't stop banging my head and jumping up and down it was such a rush for me ! After the show I didn't want to leave just being around all the fans it felt like family ! I love the energy everytime I go to your shows ! Thanks again for the great experiences for the KISS ARMY and may there be many more !!! Lots of love , Julia
Posted on 11/29/2010

Christmas show with the best KISS!

Attention kissarmychile the most important and hot band tribute to kiss in that country returns to perform live at the request of kissfans this coming December 25 in the pub MO'ES BAR Providencia Santiago, popular priced from $ 1,000 enjoy your best Christmas with the best kiss! ... waiting for you! say yeah!
Posted on 11/29/2010

KISS is everywhere

I was doing the Friday (Nov 26, 2010) Baltimore Sun crossword puzzle and noticed a familiar clue for 22 Across. Flamboyant band of the 70's. KISS is truly everywhere!
Posted on 11/29/2010

KISS Cake for my 40th birthday

Wanted to share the AWESOME cake my wife had made for my 40th birthday this past weekend. It was made by a local cakeshop called SweetsBakeshop Thought the rest of the KISS Army would love to see it... more pix from the KISS face-painting to come.
Posted on 11/29/2010

KISS in Australia

To KISS, Since I was 4 years old I have LOVED your music and you guys as a band. And now almost 10 years later I'm 13 and I still absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Your music and you guys! When I was little I went to two of your concerts in Australia with some of my family and I remember we all had a GREAT time but I don't remember it that much. I am a HUGE fan and just to let you know, I get offended when people say they don't like KISS but I guess they obviously don't know good music when they hear it. My dad got me into KISS when I was little and he is a big fan too. Anyways, I just wanted to ask whether or not KISS would do another tour in Australia? I would love it so much if you guys would! And as would the many many other Australian fans who would be extremely excited and grateful too! I also just wanted to bring to your attention the lack of KISS in Australia. I hate that there are no KISS stores that myself and other fans can buy merchandise from instead of having to order online and waiting for it to be shipped over. Not that I�m complaining about that I mean I ordered some stuff the other day! But I (and probably every other Australian fan) would appreciate it because I�m aware of how much merchandise you sell over in America and most of it can not be purchased online here in Australia. Please let me know if there is anything that can be done. I think it would probably be a good business opportunity for KISS maybe? And more advertising, etc. What would I know I�m only 13 but I really do know that it would be good for the Australia KISS Army that�s for sure! Please think about and consider this :) Love from a loud and proud member of the KISS Army Teagan P.S I have attached a photo of a painting I did of the band the other day, I had another picture of a painting of 'Merry KISSmas' I wanted to attach and a photo of my cousin and I going to our first or second KISS concert but unfortunately I am only able to upload one. So I hope you like my painting and if my letter is replied to then maybe I can upload the picture of my painting of 'Merry KISSmas'.
Posted on 11/29/2010


I'm not too much into universal music releasing your music all the time and i sometime wonder if they ever are going to stop with that game. However, i always like to check the KISS session when i go to Best Buy and make sure they have it in order(KISS CD's always on front). The other day i found this really cool cd called kiss icon 2 containing 24 great KISS songs,and i just felt like getting it to play it in my car cd. the cd goes in a chronological sequence showing the most known songs from each kiss album. in my opinion, this cd is the perfect combination for the casual fan. My friends had asked me to burn a cd for them(they were hooked after seeing you in concert) and i didn't know what to do cause i don't like burning cd's anymore. this CD was what i was really looking for cause it includes a word without heroes, shandi, Crazy nights, IWMFLY, Tears are falling, hide your heart and the list goes on and on. I just bought a couple of the cd to gift to my friends so they can enjoy it too. this is a really cool cd and the Cover is cool too(simple but modern,nice).thank you again and Merry Christmas!
Posted on 11/28/2010

'09 concert

My husband is a huge fan of yours, honestly I�ve never really liked your music until he made me listen to each song word for word�.now I can say I�m in love with KISS too. So he has always wanted to see you guys in concert but never got a chance to or the money to so for our anniversary last year I got tickets to Casino Rama, not a big venue but I wanted him to see you guys, anyways we were all excited, couldn�t stop talking about it for weeks. We got there, go to our seats and prepared ourselves for the best night ever! Well as the music started and you guys came out my husband was up on his feet ready to rock�then out of no where this woman behind us taps my husband and tells him to sit down that she cannot see�.Well my kind hearted husband obliged her and sat down, but not me when he told me what she said I had to say something�I told her �listen we paid money to come see KISS�.if you wanted to sit down you should have kept your ass at home��.so I stood up for the rest of the night�.I tell you one of these days my big mouth will get me into trouble...LOL My husband was a little disappointed because I know he let that woman get to him�.I hope I can get him tickets again to see you guys. We went to see OZZY on Nov. 27/10 and he was still talking about your he wishes to see you guys again. Well that�s my story! Love you guys keep going strong! Your New Fan, Geeta
Posted on 11/28/2010
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