submit your kiss letter

My New Axe Bass

Dear Gene , Thank you for making it possible for me to own a Gene Simmons Axe Bass like the very one you use on stage. I did just like you said. I went to my local music store and ordered me one. When I got it, it was flawless. I couldn't be more happier. Sincerely, Dave Hart
Posted on 12/27/2010

KISSmas in Florida Part II

Six year old Zach proudly sports his Destroyer blanket on Christmas morning. Ray, his 94 year young, great grandfather, wants one too as there has been a cold snap in the Sunshine State. Hotter than hell it is not. Zach wants KISS to play another show here in Florida.
Posted on 12/27/2010

KISSmas Morning in Florida

Six year old Zach has the hottest stocking. It was on his list and fortunately Santa brought it for him. Zach protectively holds his gift as eighteen month old "Big" Spence looks on & longs for the day when he will receive such loot. Zach saw KISS in 2009, as his first arena concert, & hopes the band will soon return to the Sunshine State.
Posted on 12/27/2010

Inspirations, or maybe just monologues.

Dear KISS, and The KISS Army, Last night, after watching about two or three episodes of Gene Simmons' Family Jewels, we watched a show about drug addiction. It got me thinking. Late last night, when I couldn't fall asleep, I took out my phone and wrote this monologue. I'm hoping to inspire the rest of my own band, and some of our friends to stay away from drugs. I know gene is anti-drugs, and I'm proud. I'm glad I can say that not all rock stars are demonic and drug addicts. So, enjoy. You know those bands that do drugs? Good luck with them living past their forties if they aren't lucky. It�s a sad truth, they probably won�t live, unless they quit. As for bands like Paramore and All Time Low, what will happen to them? Will you still like them about twenty years from now? Maybe, or maybe not. When you get married, and have kids, you�ll know how your parents felt when you called your parents' music the �oldies�. Don�t knock stuff until you try it. I did that with my mother�s love of KISS. I�m happy to say games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band sparked an interest that changed my life. I learned to love classics. No, scratch that. You can�t learn to love music, you have to feel it, and know it�s there. I feel that love, and now it�s my passion in life. When you appreciate rock �n� roll, you realize that we missed out on a mind blowing era of music. But bands like KISS, AC/DC, and Aerosmith, (mostly KISS), are eternal. Even though KISS is storming past a brilliant thirty five years (hopefully to stack on more years) and still going strong, you come to find out that they�re still the hottest band, who has the hottest show, on Earth! But please remember, music is not a style, or the latest fad. Music is an absolutely beautiful art form. Stick to what you love, don�t follow the crowd. I say this passion wise, thinking wise, expression wise. Just remember, drugs will cause a huge landslide in your dreams. This was all self written. I did not plagiarize. I hope you actually enjoyed it. Merry KISSmas, by the way. Happy Holidays, I hope it was filled with plenty of KISS!
Posted on 12/27/2010

KISS Concert in Fort Wayne, IN

During your early years with Ace & Peter, you guys used to tour in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Please come back to Fort Wayne!! Closest venues are Chicago or Indianapolis. Last concert I've been to was your ANIMALIZE tour back in 1984/85.
Posted on 12/26/2010

Merry KISSmas

Check out the Chrsitmas cookies I received from my brother Nick this year. Merry Kissmas! Craig
Posted on 12/26/2010

Ann Frank House Episode

Dear Gene, I just wanted to let you know that I felt the pain that you had shown on that episode. My heart broke with yours. I am so proud of you for wanting to protect your mother and the public from getting to close. I am with you in wanting people to see Jewish People as just people and not as Jews. We all have our own religion and beliefs, and heritage. We should not see people by their color, heritage, religion. We should just see people as the human beings that they are. I hate the segragation that humans put on other humans. We should just have peace and joy as well as good will towards all men. Thank you so much for sharing a sensitive and personal side of you and your family. Sincerely, Cheryl Jagger
Posted on 12/26/2010

My KISSMAS presents

Here is me with my KISSMAS presents I got. My KISS Coffee mug, KISS can holder, Pink KISS t-shirt, Redish-pink KISS t-shirt, the KISS HIT N RUN! 2007 shirt (I'm wearing), KISSOLOGY 1, 2 & 3, KISS perfume, KISS calender and lastly KISS jacket. It was definately a very Merry KISSmas for me! I hope KISS and the KISS Army had a very joyful KISSmas too!
Posted on 12/26/2010

KISSmas Present

Hi KISS! This is a picture of the hottest band in the world that my 7 year old nephew, Robby, drew for me as a Christmas present. It's so cool, I'm going to frame it!
Posted on 12/26/2010
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