submit your kiss letter


This is from a news paper in Ecuador which shows the promo of collection of classical music with the father of music Vivaldi holding a baby space man It leaves pretty cool messagge about KISS
Posted on 10/03/2011

KISS tattoo

My KISS tattoo. I have it signed by Ace, Paul and Gene, gonna get Peter in about 2 weeks. KISS RULES!!
Posted on 10/03/2011

Paul Stanley Backstage With His Fans!!!!

In August 2010 My Family and I Finally got to meet Paul Stanley. After waiting Backstage for hours Paul , Tommy ,Eric and Doc McGhee Walked out and My Jaw dropped . After being a KISS Fan for 28 yrs. It made it very special To know What Kind of people Paul And the Guys are.I:E: Being in shock I could not find My camera. I asked the securitiy person from the venue If he could take a Picture with his blackberry and send it to me.He agreed. After our picture and conversation Paul had to go. As he walked away He looked at the security Gaurd and Said " You Make sure they Get that picture!!! " Doc McGhee thanks for making our dream come true and Bringing me and my Family Back to see the guys. truly a great experience. P.s. Please come back to Saratoga Springs NY !!!
Posted on 10/03/2011


Good for you Gene. I never thought I'd never see the day you and Shannen would be married. Best wishes to both of you.
Posted on 10/03/2011

KISS is everywhere

Hello KISS, KISS is everywhere! A chain of clothing stores in Holland, Bertus Ten Hoor, has a clear KISS reference in their new poster campaign. These poster are use for advertising on the streets. Also on their homepage you will find a girl with star make up. Greetz from Holland, Ad
Posted on 10/03/2011


My son Caleb (who is a KISS fan also) was watching the cartoon GUMBALL and saw the sticker above the cartoon character�s head. It doesn't say KISS but it sure looks like Gene Simmons make up. Have a great day and keep on rockin� !!! Dave Gothrow Linda, Ca.
Posted on 10/03/2011


Congratulations Gene and Shannon! My boyfriend and I have watched your reality show from day one. I am in a similar relationship with my boyfriend of 4 years and have felt just like Shannon at times. It's hard loving someone, having faith in them, and your relationship, but battling with their commitment issues. Your show has been and inspiration to me and has given me hope that someday he will also come around. Best Wishes! Stacy S. in NC
Posted on 10/02/2011


congrats on your wedding Gene and Shannon sorry im late on it though
Posted on 10/02/2011


Gene, like all the other KISS fans out there, and I want to personally thank you for the responses you and the band gave me. That was the thrill of a life-time and I just wanna wish you and Shannon a great future down the road; and I just congratulate you becuase you finally made it to where you should've been all along, (or so your manager Doc says practically all the time to you on the show!) LOL! Have a Blessed night. Love, Rachel
Posted on 10/02/2011
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