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My 4 year old son Gido enjoying Halloween with a little KISS touch. The Netherlands
Posted on 10/31/2011

French Pump'KISS

Hi KISS Online, My children Luna & Dorian (11 and 10 years old)decided to realise KISS pumpkins , no so common for French kids !!! Hope you'll like them , happy Halloween to all Kiss Fans . Lorenzo .
Posted on 10/31/2011


Dog of Thunder! (my dog Captain as Gene) Thought you would like this one! Happy Halloween! Christine PS met Paul and Gene when I was 16, Christine 16 was a hit at the time, I will never forget it!!!
Posted on 10/31/2011

halloween bash at church

My wife and I are part of a marriage ministry class at our church and for our fall bash halloween party We wore our KISS make-up and I wore my I Love My Wife shirt in honor of Genes decision to get married.
Posted on 10/31/2011

Happy "Castanyada"!

La Castanyada is a festival of Catalonia held on All Saints' Day, although recently it has moved the celebration on the eve of this day. As the Halloween of Anglo-Saxon countries, or Samain Magosto and Galicians, comes from an ancient ritual funeral feast. It consists of a meal when they eat chestnuts, marzipan, candied sweet potatoes and fruit. The typical drink of the 'Halloween' is Muscat. Around this event, the chestnuts on the street selling hot roasted chestnuts, and usually wrapped in newspaper (bag). In many places, the All Saints' Day, the confectioners organize raffles of candied fruit and marzipan. JOIN THE CATALAN ARMY!
Posted on 10/31/2011
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