submit your kiss letter

my 3 year old son

My 3 year old son love Kiss (so do I) He likes Paul the best. He wanted to be Paul for Halloween so I thought I would send you the pic. The first time I seen Kiss live I was 3 my partents loved Kiss to. I can't wait to take him to see Kiss live. thanks Andy
Posted on 11/01/2011

We Won @ Work!

Hey! We wanted to share our costumes with you! We dressed up for a Halloween Costume Party at work and won First Place! Some people couldn't even tell we were girls! We hand made our costumes out of felt, black duck tape, foil tape, aluminum foil, thumb tacks, string, shelf liner, and of course a pink lemonade Air Head for the tongue! Haha! We had a blast! Thanks for the inspiration! ;P
Posted on 11/01/2011

Dressed To Kill

Hey Guys, HUGE KISS FAN HERE! I just wanted to send along this picture of me dressed up as Gene this past weekend! I think my wife Melissa did a fantastic job with the make-up, as well as the costume! Take Care Guys! Looking forward to that new album!! -Tony
Posted on 11/01/2011

Halloween 2011

This is how I showed up to pick my kids up from school, on Halloween. Not surprisingly, heads were constantly turning to have a look at "Gene". I even had several parents ask to take a picture of me with their kids, telling me how much their families love KISS! As Paul has said, KISS truly is multi-generational!
Posted on 11/01/2011

Throwdown Jones as KISS

Dear KISS, My name is Josh and I wanted to share a very special story with you that is very important, near, and dear to my heart. Early 2010 I had the great chance of seeing a band play by the name of Throwdown Jones. This band had high energy, a kicking sound, and an amazing presence; by definition the overall "IT" factor. I befriended some of the members when they came to an open mic night, that I happened to be performing at, for some down time. Their lead singer Robb Pricthard gave some astounding praise as well as some amazing advice on how to better my stage presence and overall performance! Little did I know, that would only be the beginning. Time went by and I began to hear more about this rock & roll group! How they were tearing it out all over the Carolinas, how shows kept getting bigger, and finally how they plowed through the competition to the number three spot for the chance to open for THE hottest show on earth! Yes KISS! I thought to myself "who are these guys"? At that time I had never even fully listened to a KISS album once, but I knew full and well this was a BIG deal! By this time I had become very good friends with their drummer Waylon and he called me in February of this year asking if I would like to come see another show by special invitation; so naturally I accepted! Well, instead of watching a show I ended up being put to work because the crown had become so wound up that security was just not enough. I have been working with the boys ever since! Now you should know that life has not dealt me very many good hands and "family" was a word I virtually knew nothing about. Since all of this has happened I have gained more brothers than I've know what to do with, a loving family, and a father who is not only a KISS maniac, but also a great admirer of the God of Thunder (Scott Rock in this pic as the Daemon himself). To date he has taken it upon himself to educate me in all things KISS. Which now has a very special place in my heart because it has given me something that I have never had in my life; a dad; one that I look up to very much! This year will mark the third annual Halloween bash this band has thrown. They all wanted to do something this world and their fans would never expect. So the decision was made to put on the entire show as none other than KISS! My dad decided that this would be the perfect moment to place me in my very own "Trial by Fire"! As you can see I had the great honor of not only taking part in performing with this band of misfit boys on stage, in what would be called the biggest show of 2011 in the Carolinas, but also to dawn the guise the late and great Fox Eric Carr (may he rest in peace). Yes that would be me, pre show, under my dad's daemon arm! It is a night and experience that, for the rest of my life, I will never forget and it is in huge part, if not all, thanks to you. Your music and who you are has given this family something very special and has brought us closer together. From the bottom of my heart I thank you! Yours truly and love always, Joshua Rock P.s. We did in fact Rock ALL Night :]!
Posted on 11/01/2011


I built a lantern for my little daughter who loves KISS so much. I hope it will not be the "hottest lantern in the world"... lol Greets from germany
Posted on 11/01/2011

halloween gets KISSed

This halloween was truly a time to be dressed to kill as you can see. Ashley Fisher went on the prowl today getting recognized every two minutes as a kiss fan, and getting tons of compliments on her outfit. Her husband and partner in crime, Gary, went as "The Fox" Eric Carr and was noticed as well, showing the state of the kiss army is very much alive and well. Paul's "Star-Goddess" made every ghoul n' ghost see stars as she was the real treat of Halloween.
Posted on 10/31/2011
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