submit your kiss letter

Little rockstar

Our 4 year old has fallen in love with your music. He knows all the lyrics to I was made for lovin' you. For Halloween he wanted to be star child. - Josie Neveu
Posted on 11/12/2020

My mini KISS fan!

This is a message from my daughter Elsie she is 6 and a huge KISS fan! Hi KISS, My name is Elsie I love your music and I really hope one day I will get to see you play. My mummy let me go to a tribute show when I was 4 and I loved every minute! I had a KISS unicorn rockstar party for all my friends when it was my birthday my grandma made me my cool dress. When I grow up I want to be a rock star too, I want to play guitar and drums and sing! The demon is my favourite and my favourite song is Rock N Roll all night and then shout it out loud what are your favourite songs? Thank you for the amazing music From Elsie 6 years old. Cara Lees
Posted on 11/12/2020

Paul Stanley's costume

Hi! My name is Patricia and i'd like to share the costume I made of Paul Stanley. Greetings from Mexico City- Patricia Carbajal
Posted on 11/12/2020

A 1st time for everything!

This is my 10 year old daughter Miriam, she is a super fan!! Last year she bought her first ever vinyl album..KISS of course, and rocked on at her 1st ever live concert.. "the end of the road" world tour.. She's so happy she got to see you guys on stage!! A lucky kid! - Michelle Dale
Posted on 11/12/2020

KISS Fan Art

my drawing of Peter Criss𼘺𼘺, I hope you like it, hugs from Brazil! - Letícia Priebe
Posted on 11/12/2020
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