
End Of The Road Paul Stanley Interview

By Chris Varias, Special to Cincinnati Enquirer

When you’re a member of what you rank as the greatest rock band to emerge from the United States, why would you choose to take that band off the road?

Why say goodbye, and what’s the right way to say it?

Paul Stanley, singer, songwriter and guitarist for KISS, shared his thoughts on these matters, as the band stops in town on a farewell tour that stretches into 2021.

Question: What have critics gotten wrong about KISS?

Answer: I don’t know. It’s their issues, not mine. Clearly, they didn’t reflect in the early days the views of the fans, and critics saw themselves somehow as a higher power that was there to educate the public as opposed to reflect the public. Whether or not somebody likes a certain food is irrelevant to a different person. Art, music, food, it’s all up to the person who’s experiencing it. It’s odd to me when somebody tells you what’s good and bad, because what’s good and bad is totally subjective. 

Q: Speaking of subjective, who’s the greatest rock band to come out of New York City?

A: You’re speaking to one of the members.

Q: Who’s the greatest American rock band?

A: Rock is such a broad term. What’s considered rock is everything from the Eagles to ... pick it …

Q: The Grateful Dead.

A: Anything but that, please.

Q: You said, “pick it.” I picked one. Who’s the greatest American rock band?

A: The greatest American rock band is KISS.

Q: Who’s the greatest all-time rock band in the world?

A: Led Zeppelin.

Q: Would KISS be on the short list?

A: For some. Again, it’s a matter of opinion, and some people would include bands to me that have very little to do with rock. It’s really an individual taste. I have no doubt when I’m on stage on this tour every night that the feeling that I had about the bands I saw in my young days, who I considered the greats, I have no doubt that we’re one of them now.

Q: Like who? Who are those bands you’re thinking of?

A: The bands that influenced and inspired me. Humble Pie. The Who. You name the rest. Classic-rock bands are the Mount Rushmore of rock and roll. Are we part of that? Hell yeah. You don’t last 45 or 50 years playing arenas and stadiums by not being worthy of that.

CLICK HERE to read the rest of the interview.


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