
Behind the drums – Eric Singer

Eric Singer talks about the frightening prowess of Buddy Rich, the importance of paying it forward and his life before and after KISS

By David West / MusicRadar

"There’s no way you could see him and not walk away with your jaw on the floor. Not only being inspired, but also frightened because it was about how amazing, how good somebody could be. There’s never been anybody, I don’t think, before or since, like Buddy Rich.”

Did you have lessons or are you self-taught?

“My first drum teacher was more of a serious disciplinarian-type guy and you can be intimidated by that especially if you’re more thin-skinned or sensitive, which I was as a kid. My second teacher, Buddy Kummel, he was a cool, hip-cat kind of guy, he had a less intimidating personality and he made it more fun. 

"I took lessons with him for a few years and eventually my dad wanted me to play in his band and my teacher said, ‘Yeah, he’s ready.’”

What’s the one piece of gear you couldn’t live without?

“Zildjian Stick Wax. I’m so used to using Zildjian Stick Wax on my sticks: it has a lot to do with how comfortable I feel with my grip and how much tension I don’t have by using it. It changed my playing, I don’t have to grip the sticks so hard because of sweat, it made me play with a better technique and in a more relaxed way. It’s the little things in life.”

Do you collect gear?

“Yes, I have a lot of vintage kits. I keep telling myself, I know I don’t need any of this stuff, most of it I’ll never use because I have a Pearl endorsement and I have a lot of cool vintage Pearl kits, but I have a lot of other brands I’ve collected too. I’m very good about paying it forward. 

"I’ve given many kits away to help other people who are less fortunate or an up-and-coming younger drummer, so I get a lot of satisfaction and joy doing that. And all my friends know that they’re more than welcome to borrow any of that stuff anytime they want.”

What’s been your biggest onstage nightmare?

“I’ve hurt myself a few times. I remember I cut my finger on my cowbell at the beginning of a show with Alice Cooper. It was Richfield Coliseum in Cleveland, 1991. I cut my finger really bad, almost down to the bone and it was bleeding like a sieve everywhere, all over the drums. 

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