
Radio Interview: Paul Stanley on WZLX

by Alisha Jackson

In less than a month (September 3rd), KISS will be rocking the DCU Center in Worcester, and according to Paul Stanley, the band wouldn�t have it any other way.

The rocker called Chuck Nowlin to chat about the tour, and explained why the band prefers to play Worcester over Boston. �Here we are on this Freedom to Rock tour, which is pretty amazing, because basically what we�ve done on this tour is sidelined all the major cities, and we�ve gone back to a lot of cities that made us in the first place,� Stanley explained. �For us to go to Worcester, is a long history. When we were banned in Boston because of our pyro, we couldn�t play because they wouldn�t let us blow anything up. We always played Worcester as opposed to playing Boston. Those shows were purely, at that point, because we wouldn�t play Boston. Because if we couldn�t do it the way we wanted to do it, we weren�t gonna do it.�

On partnering with Hiring Our Heroes and Veteran Tickets Foundation to hire a currently serving member of the National Guard or Reserve Force to be a roadie for a day on KISS�s current tour, Stanley says �It�s not about giving them pay for a day. It�s really about another way to spot the military.� He urges others to help our veterans, too. �Anytime we tour, whether it�s giving a dollar from every ticket to Wounded Warrior Care project, which we�ve done in the past, or supporting Hiring Our Heroes with a check, this really is something we all need to do.�

Take it from a rock star, �It�s cool to be patriotic and it�s cool to love your country.�

To hear the rest of Paul Stanley�s interview with Chuck, and how he would like to incorporate Ipswich fried clams and �lobstah� rolls into his Rock & Brew restaurant menu, listen below!

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