
Video: Gene Simmons, Secret Comic Book Nerd

Comic-Con is chock full of comic-book nerds. Gene Simmons might be the nerdiest of them all.

The KISS frontman checked in with Yahoo TV on Thursday to discuss the  DVD movie Scooby-Doo! andKISS: Rock and Roll Mystery, and he wound up dropping some mad superhero knowledge.

�We�re comic-book fans,� Simmons told us. �I�ll tell you more than you want to know.�

And he did. Declaring his comic allegiance �Marvel all the way,� Simmons name-checked Stan Lee and Batman creator Bob Kane, gave shout-outs to Dr. Doom, Black Panther, and Fin Fang Foom, and then regaled us with the true story of how he and his band mates poured their blood into the red ink for the first issue of the KISS comic book in 1978.

Watch the video above for Paul Stanley�s epic kicker to the story.

Scooby-Doo! And KISS: Rock and Roll Mystery is available for download on July 10, and on DVD and Blu-Ray on July 21.

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