
student receives shoutout from KISS' Gene Simmons

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SETH, WV - When 12-year-old Hunter Bowling started on his school project, he never imagined it would catapult him into a mini celebrity.

"I said it would be cool if I got 1,000 likes just joking around, and when I woke up this morning I saw 8,000,� said Hunter. �It was people from Canada, Australia.�

It all started in December when Hunter had to pick a topic for Sherman Elementary School's Social Studies Fair. He wanted to focus on economics and decided to spotlight an unconventional figure � Kiss frontman Gene Simmons.

�My family, we all love Kiss, and they were telling me how he is a big entrepreneur,� he said.

Hunter spent weeks reading up on Gene, even buying his book. But he said he wanted to go above and beyond for this project, so he reached out to the rock star's personal assistant.

�When we sent her a message�she said that's really cool, and I will give you some information, and we've been talking [with her] ever since,� said Hunter.

After Hunter found out he won first place at his school on Tuesday, he emailed the personal assistant to say thank you. The assistant emailed his back, telling Hunter to look out for a special message.

�We looked on Facebook�and there was a message from Gene,� said Hunter.

The post on Gene Simmons' Facebook page read: I'd like to congratulate Hunter Bowling of Sherman Elementary school in Seth, West Virginia on Winning 1st Place on his social Studies Project about ME. "It's Good To Be You" today, Hunter. Job well done

"I was speechless...I was really proud a rock star messaged me on a project about him,� said Hunter.

The 12-year-old says he plans on adding finishing touches before taking his project to the county fair for the next round of competition. Needless to say, he's already won the greatest prize of all.

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