submit your kiss letter

The Reason

Hi Gene, Paul, Tommy, and Eric. I am thirteen and live in Chicago. I have seen you guys twice and hope you come again this summer. I just wanted to let you guys know when I first heard Rock and Roll All Night I knew you guys where my favorite band ever. You guys are the reason I started playing guitar and bass and when my friends ask what aspired me to start play. I say the hottest band in the world KISS. I have always wanted to meet you and if you come to Chicago this summer I would be dumbfounded if I met you guys. When I first got my guitar I thought I was going to play songs of yours same with bass. I got mad just trying to learn but I just imagined playing your songs. Now I can play songs like Cold Gin, Love Gun, Rock and roll all night, and parts of others. I would be honored if you write back.
Posted on 04/03/2011

KISSolgy set

hey guys Don't you think its about time to give the fans another set of KISSOLGY cds. . we have have nothing with tommy and eric on them . Come on guys they sold great so give the fans what we have been waiting on . Its really time for another set. .Keep rocking and enjoy the money . get back to detroit too we're waiting for you to kick our ass again bob
Posted on 04/03/2011


Hi KISS, My mother has made a KISS moneybox. She made it specially for an eventual KISS show in Switzerland! So my familly and me hope that you come back in Geneva for a second explosive and beautiful show!! So we start to save money.... Abby
Posted on 04/03/2011


hello kiss letting you know me and my mum are both fans of yours you have good music i love to sing along to your songs and i love to dance too how have you all been send an email from your fan Rhiannon :)
Posted on 04/03/2011


hello Kiss im maddy and me and my friend cheyenne love your music witch is weird cuz were both 11 year olds my uncle jason loves u guys to i have one of your records actually and a bunch of KISS stuff i love my KISS note book oh and i was wondering if yoo could respond that wood be awesome!! ~ thanks rock all nite!!! PEACE!
Posted on 04/02/2011

hey !

Hey KISS, i just want you too know that you guys are the most amazing and most talented band in the world ! I first heard of you guys when me and my ex were together. He met you guys in Halifax in 2009 which i wish i had of too. But Since then i have been a big fan of you guys, and i listen to your music everyday. I have belts, cd's concerts videos, clothes, and everything of you guys, and i still can't get enough. What would be a dream come true is meeting you guys. Your coming to Newfoundland this summer, and ill be there. I really would love to meet you guys, especially Paul Stanley. I love your voice ! But hopefully ill see you this summer ! Rock on guys... You really are the best ! your friend... Michelle xo
Posted on 04/02/2011

KISS Wobble head Adventures!

Hi KISS ARMY! Its the KISS Wobbleheads! Add us on facebook and see the crazy stuff we get up to as we 'Rock and Roll All Nite and Party Everyday!' Wobblehead KissAdventures!/profile.php?id=100002264836495&sk=wall
Posted on 04/01/2011


dear kiss! 1st of april for charity day, we had a dress up day! we got to come in dressed as a star of our choice. there were a few crazy ideas. smurfs, pink ladies, 2 banana's.. but we were two of the craziest people in school! we came in dressed in black with kiss make up on! alot of people knew who we were, it turned out to be a great success! i just wanted to post this as i was quite proud of my bestfriend (Karen on the left) and I. we put alot of effort and also made our very own kiss cake with a guitar on the front to raise money for the charity. i hope you like our make up, it took an hour. lots of love, sharna and karen!xx
Posted on 04/01/2011

You are the bessssst

Hi you are the best Band ever !!!!!!! I was wondering if you will come to Virginia Beach , Virginia me and my best friend always dress up as you for halloween!!!! I really hope you see this:)!!!!! From Cameron , Bela , and Faimily
Posted on 04/01/2011
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