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KISS cubbecraft

Hello KISS Today, two years ago was the fisrt KISS concert in Bogota, Colombia. remembering that day, I made this KISS cubeecraft to celebrate this amazing date. Keep rockin'
Posted on 04/11/2011

Nail Art

I'm attending beauty school in the fall and I just wanted to share my little tribute to the greatest Rock and Roll band on the planet!
Posted on 04/11/2011


Hey KISS! Check this out. Comedian Marc Maron is selling these posters on his website. Pretty cool! (The pic is too big to attach, so here is the link) Thanks, Cassius Morris :)
Posted on 04/11/2011

KISS Tribute Concert In Poland For Diabetes!

Hey KISS! I just wanted to tell you about a KISS tribute show that myself and some of my classmates put on at my High School in Warsaw Poland. We love you guys so much! You have inspired us to do something that has never been done at our school before. We performed a full KISS set list in costumes and makeup (as you can see we have the official boots!) for the students, parents and faculty at the school. SMOOCH has been working so hard since January preparing for this show. And because your "cause" on the Hottest Show on Earth Tour was so inspiring, we decided to raise money for a cause too. I'm the Catman and drummer of SMOOCH, and I'm also a type 1 diabetic. So since January we have been raising donations for a foundation that is very near and dear to my heart. The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. So many people saw how much this meant to me and my band mates that we earned a lot of donations. The concert was on Friday April 8th, and it was a huge success! It was such a great feeling! No wonder you guys have been around so long! Before the show we held a mini "Meet & Greet" session (courtesy of our school's amazing Photo teacher) where friends and family could come up to the Photo room and take pictures with us. It was all very cool! We even signed a few autographs! It was so awesome! After that we hit the stage playing KISS classics such as "Love Gun" sung by our Starchild Ryan, "War Machine" sung by myself, "Rocket Ride" sung by our Spaceman and "Parasite" sung by our Demon! It was such a cool night, it was loads of fun and we just want to thank you for the memories. Because of KISS I have met band mates, and friends that I will never forget. It's because of you guys that I've been able to live the dream, even if it was for only one night. Thank you for getting us through the hard times in life, and for reminding us that "No matter what trouble there is" we all deserve to ROCK AND ROLL ALL NITE AND PARTY EVERYDAY! Thank You Again! Love from Poland! Matthew - Catman of SMOOCH!
Posted on 04/11/2011

Birthday cake

My husband Randy turned the big 50 yesterday, The kids and I thought this would be the perfect birthday cake for him, (pic from meet and greet Nov 10/09 Saskatoon, When he saw the cake he almost cried and said it;s the next best thing to having you guys here for his birthday, Gail Sych
Posted on 04/11/2011

The perfect birthday cake

My husband Randy turned the big 50 yesterday, a kiss fan through and through, the kids and I decided this would be the perfect cake for one of your #1 fans,Pic was from meet and greet Nov 10/09 Saskatoon
Posted on 04/11/2011

#1 fan

Dear kiss i love your music i am your #1 fan i have your book its awesome you are my hart
Posted on 04/10/2011

KISS Techs at work!

Hello KISS, I saw you guys back in september and loved the show. I did the M&G which was amazing! I was able to catch a glimpse of what goes on to make a show like yours go on every night! I'm a huge tech fan of your show as well!!!! I hope I can one day be a tech for KISS! Anyway here's a video of Mike Rush Testing genes bass out before the show! It was very cool I would love to be in his shoes some day!
Posted on 04/10/2011
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