submit your kiss letter

Aidan and Fonz

This is Aidan with possibly the biggest Kiss fan in the world at his Beverage store. What a good time it was to bring Aidan in to be with Fonz and Rock and Roll all night and Party Everyday was on in the backround! This was a great Kiss moment for every fan! Thanks Love to All Chris
Posted on 04/20/2011

My 40th Birthday Cake

Well after all these years of being a huge KISS fan, I finally got my Kiss cake for my 40th Birthday. It sure was hard to cut up but it was the best cake I ever tasted! Enjoy.
Posted on 04/20/2011


Hi Kiss. Paul, Gene, Eric and Tommy They sending this photography that is of the year 1997, in the holiday of halloween, the admiration of our people towards his band is the best. I am a great fan of you and find this photography in the trunk of the recollections. I wait they like it even we have the hope that they come to Ecuador to present his tour. Enjoy this Paul
Posted on 04/20/2011

KISS Sighting in RENT!

KISS SIGHTING IN "RENT"! I recently visited the Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre in Ft. Myers, Florida to see their wonderful production of RENT! In the lobby, they set up a huge "graffiti wall" where hundreds of visitors have left colorful comments and (obviously) drawings of Gene Simmons! Seeing as RENT takes place in New York, I can only assume that Gene is the landlord. KISS is everywhere! -Nigel Dreiner
Posted on 04/20/2011

The Hottest Family on Earth!

Hey Kiss! You wanted the best, you got the best - the hottest Family on Earth - KISS! Here's my final Photoshop of my family in full makeup. They all thought the pics turned out great. Pictured are Bob Simmons, Kathy Stanley, Tyler Frehley/Thayer, Kristen Carr, and Monica Criss/Singer. My parents have the unaltered pics in a nice frame in their home. That was they did - until I replaced them with my versions. I wonder how long it will take for them to notice? Anyway, I am a new fan within the last year and a half, and the countdown is on to my first show @ Heavy MTL Montreal. Bring it, and the new album, on! Cheers. Bob
Posted on 04/20/2011

Earliest KISS Tribute Band?

Hello! My name is Shawn Inmon and I play "The Demon" in a KISS Tribute Band called KISS II. I'm wondering if you have any information on when the earliest KISS Tribute bands may have formed, because I think it's possible we are it! My best friend, Jerry Weible (Starchild) and I formed KISS II after seeing KISS for the first time on the Paul Lynde Halloween Special in 1976. We formed our band the next day and gave our first performance at a local Talent Show in January 1977. We traveled our local area giving concerts (and donating the proceeds) until we graduated in 1978. The band was dormant for many years, until we were asked to re-form for a benefit concert last year, 32 years after we "retired." We had so much fun with those concerts that we've continued playing whenever we get the chance. The "new" KISS II lineup includes our friend Jeff Johnson as "The Cat" and Jerry's daughter Brittany Weible as "The Spaceman." Is it possible we are the first KISS Tribute band? I have a copy of a newspaper clipping with our picture in it and our names listed if you'd ever like to see it. Oh, and one other thing makes us unique... we lip-sync to actual live KISS songs... we knew we could never sound as good as the originals! Thanks! Shawn
Posted on 04/20/2011

We Are The New KISS

WOW it only took me 35 years to finally see you guys in concert. I was a fan since New Jersey. Had no idea you guys were just a state away. in the picture are your biggest fans and you know what? It only took a video of your performance. We saw you in houston on march 15 past and we loved every minute of it. Thanks Kiss for makin it happen for me and my princesses.
Posted on 04/20/2011

KISS Influence

Hi, I spotted this sunglasses display stand at the airport in Sydney, Australia. KISS' influence is everywhere!
Posted on 04/19/2011
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